yeeting classes by Rona W. '23
ever take a class that inspires one of these lists?
things I could be doing instead of this class:
- reading The New Yorker
- talking about reading The New Yorker so everybody knows I’m an intellectual who reads The New Yorker.01 I particularly like <a href="https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/03/26/the-right-way-to-remember-rachel-carson">this article about Rachel Carson.</a>
- taking pictures of black holes
- recreating the Monty Hall problem (anybody got two goats to spare?)
- writing anime fanfiction02 when I was twelve years old, I wrote a 60,000 word <i>Shugo Chara!</i> fanfic. in other words, I was incredibly unpopular in middle school.
- memeing
- my taxes
yeah so, this was me @ one of my classes this past semester. to make matters worse, this class was tedious and confusing, a deadly combination. in fact, I was so stressed about this class that I brought my problem sets to ring delivery.

with the other Tech staffers! not pictured: the two psets stashed in my purse :(
the next day, I dropped the class. I was pretty hesitant about doing so, since it was already mid-April and I’d sunk two-and-a-half months into this thing. all those four a.m. psets would be for naught . . . plus, I felt uncomfortable with the idea of only being in four classes, or forty-eight units, when most of my friends were in more.03 I watched one of my friends fill out the form to drop a twelve-unit class. then he was all, <em>now I'm only in seventy-eight units</em>! and I was like, <em>how are you alive.</em>
but ultimately, I realized that this class wasn’t worth it. it wasn’t related to either of my majors04 Comparative Media Studies and mathematics! and it wasn’t a graduation requirement and I wasn’t enjoying it at all. I wanted to devote more energy to the other classes I was in, I wanted to spend more time working on personal projects, I wanted to stay up late having fun with my friends instead of psetting for a subject I didn’t care about.
so I drop-kicked05 <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3C5L-EfR28">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3C5L-EfR28</a> the class and didn’t look back.
MIT has a super-late drop date; this semester, it was April 25th.06 Baker House <a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/2925301927695010/">dropped a piano off the roof</a> to celebrate! this is good if you are like me and have an unfortunate habit of saying yes to too many things, only to suffer later on.
I’m still learning how to manage my time, and how to select a courseload that will make me feel challenged, but not miserable. but for now, all I can say is:
- I particularly like this article about Rachel Carson. back to text ↑
- when I was twelve years old, I wrote a 60,000 word Shugo Chara! fanfic. in other words, I was incredibly unpopular in middle school. back to text ↑
- I watched one of my friends fill out the form to drop a twelve-unit class. then he was all, now I'm only in seventy-eight units! and I was like, how are you alive. back to text ↑
- Comparative Media Studies and mathematics! back to text ↑
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3C5L-EfR28 back to text ↑
- Baker House dropped a piano off the roof to celebrate! back to text ↑