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Can a QB Finalist that didn’t rank MIT still apply for RA?

If you’re a QuestBridge Finalist that didn’t rank MIT, you are welcome to apply. Please email us at [email protected] stating that you are a QuestBridge Finalist who wishes to apply to MIT Regular Action. In the email, please include your full name, date of birth, and the email address that you used for your QuestBridge application.

Do not begin a first-year application in our application portal until you have reached out to us via email. Once you have reached out to our QuestBridge team, you will be asked to create an MIT application account and submit the MIT QuestBridge Supplement. We submit your QuestBridge application, along with the QB supplement, in place of our first-year application, recommendations, and Secondary School Report.

Please note: Along with our MIT QuestBridge Supplement, we require an official school transcript. If your counselor/school official already sent an official transcript through the QB application, please allow 7–10 business days for this to be reflected on your Applicant Status page (located in the MIT application portal after you have submitted your QB supplement). If you did not submit an official transcript with your QB application, you can request an official transcript from your school counselor on your Applicant Status page after you submit your QB supplement.

We accept QuestBridge applications without a humanities/social sciences/language teacher letter of recommendation, but if your application didn’t include a math/science teacher letter of recommendation, we strongly recommend asking one of your math or science teachers to write one for you. If you are selected as a QuestBridge Finalist, you will be able to add the recommender information to your MIT QuestBridge Supplement, and they will receive directions on how to submit their letter.

We also ask that you visit the MIT-specific QuestBridge page to be sure that you’ve completed all of the MIT requirements. You will not be considered an official applicant to MIT until you submit the MIT QuestBridge Supplement.

About financial aid when applying RA

MIT practices need-blind admissions for all students. If you’re admitted through Regular Action, MIT will assemble a financial aid offer made up of grants and scholarships that will meet 100% of your demonstrated need. This usually means that your MIT financial aid will be similar to the College Match Scholarship.