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What happens if I’m not selected as a Match?

All QuestBridge College Match results are announced in early December. At that time, there are three things that could happen:

  1. You could be matched with a binding school and must attend your Match school.
  2. You could be matched with a non-binding school (MIT). In this case, you may choose to accept the offer, or not accept the offer and apply to other schools through their Regular Action process.
  3. You could not be matched with any schools.

If you ranked MIT as one of your College Match schools and did not match, we already have your QuestBridge application and will send you an email in early December asking you how you would like to proceed:

  1. You may use your QuestBridge application to apply through Early Action. (All of the MIT test requirements must be completed by November 30.)
  2. You may use your QuestBridge application to apply through Regular Action. (All of the MIT test requirements must be completed by December 31.)
  3. You may withdraw your MIT application.

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