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Please note: MIT and the admissions office will be closed Monday, February 17, for Presidents’ Day, and will open on Tuesday, February 18.

Does MIT offer Army, Air Force, Navy ROTC?

MIT is proud to offer Army, Air Force, and Naval ROTC programs on campus.

Military training has existed at MIT ever since the Institute opened its doors in 1865. Since then, more than 12,000 officers have been commissioned from MIT, of whom more than 150 have reached the rank of general or admiral. The three Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) programs located at MIT provide unparalleled leadership training and practice to cultivate motivated students into tomorrow’s U.S. military leaders. Upon graduation, you’ll have earned not only your degree, but a commission as an officer and exciting opportunities unavailable in the civilian world.

Training each week typically includes one or three hours of classroom training depending on year group and two hours a week of a hands-on, cadet or midshipman-run leadership laboratory. Further, each ROTC program has physical fitness training each week and a required summer program at some point prior to graduating. Any student may participate in the classroom training. Students who are United States citizens or who have applied for citizenship and are medically qualified for military service may enroll as a cadet or midshipman.

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