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Please note:

The MIT Welcome Center will be closed December 23–January 1. Our office will be available by phone and email on December 23–24, and closed for the winter break from December 25–January 1. We will open on January 2. Happy holidays!

MIT student blogger Mitra L. '07

Happy Halloween by Mitra L. '07

Something to brighten your day

MIT Campus Dining

MIT Medical

9 responses to “Happy Halloween”

  1. glareflair17 says:

    That’s pretty awesome. Those MIT students and/or staff are very talented. Thanks MITra!

  2. Chris says:

    Hey fellow graduates love the pics

  3. Mitra says:

    Hey Michelle, My mom sent me them in an email too smile I just tried to think of related MIT links so this entry would be the tiniest bit official.

  4. Anonymous says:

    How does it feel to be a senior? What are your post-college (yeep!) plans?

  5. Michelle says:

    Hahaha. I actually saw those pictures in this whole email my mum sent me. Are you sure they’re by MIT students? wink If so, yay. If not, oh well, you can still attribute them to MIT. =D

  6. Adam says:

    ..WOW! I love the 1st pumpkin, especially! It looks really tasty.

    Also, I especially like that technique of just cutting off the skin to reveal the lighter orange inside. (for the witches eyes)

    Thanks for posting this. Mens et Manus, Mind and Hand – MIT students are both very creative and skilled enough to follow through with their ideas spectacularly.

    Oh, and I noticed that your link is off – “MIT Medical” points to the dining website. The medical website is just for reference.

  7. Adam says:

    Sorry for the double post, but I’m curious what the text across the center of witch pumpkin picture says. (between the eyes)

    It seems to say EXER..something PO…..something. I can’t quite make out the rest of the letters.

  8. Mitra says:

    Oops, thanks for the link correction!

  9. Hi! I’m from Iran and I was really eager to know how you got into a school like this. If I get to know that it might get easier for me to get in cause we have the same name and maybe the same nationality:D