Comics for IAP by Matt McGann '00
Doonesbury takes on the 6.270 Autonomous Robot Design Competition.
A few weeks back, MIT’s most famous fictitious current student, Alex Doonesbury ’10, had an exciting IAP, doing the 6.270 Autonomous Robot Design Competition (not to mention Palmistry, Advanced Sudoku, a chocolate workshop, and Charm School). Read on…
(and if you like comics, or movies, or Photoshop, enter Peggy’s Chinese New Year contest!)
Donnesbury is awesome! But IAP is definitely much more awesome….
Doonesbury! Sorry, I was really rushing for the first post…
This is completely unrelated, but I have a question about mid-year grade reports. I attend school in the US and our second semester concluded the last week of January. The mid-year reports were sent as soon as possible, but they still haven’t shown up on my status page. Should I be concerned? Thanks!
My goodness! that’s just super. that’s really awesome. MIT rocks and IAP rocks. and I want to get admitted !!
matt, i have the same question as claire. my report got sent out around over two weeks ago and it still doesn’t show up.
Wow, great comic. I clicked on it for the site and only caught myself getting off task ten comics later! It’s amazing that MIT has such exciting things as a robotics contest during IAP.
And also, several questions that I hope you wouldn’t mind answering:
1. I’m a High School freshman at State College Area High School in State College, PA, and transferred to this school district after a year in Whitney Young Magnet High School’s Academic Center program for 7th and 8th graders in Chicago, IL. I was wondering how many students get admitted to MIT from State High, how many from Whitney, and how many from Whitney that were in the Academic Center.
2. Also, I understand that you consider the application in context, but was wondering how great an influence is the High School that one attended.
3. Lastly, I most likely won’t be applying for college until Senior year, and so was wondering how much your expectations from an applicant change over the years.
Thanks for your time,
Wow, great comic. I clicked on it for the site and only caught myself getting off task ten comics later! It’s amazing that MIT has such exciting things as a robotics contest during IAP.
And also, several questions that I hope you wouldn’t mind answering:
1. I’m a High School freshman at State College Area High School in State College, PA, and transferred to this school district after a year in Whitney Young Magnet High School’s Academic Center program for 7th and 8th graders in Chicago, IL. I was wondering how many students get admitted to MIT from State High, how many from Whitney, and how many from Whitney that were in the Academic Center.
2. Also, I understand that you consider the application in context, but was wondering how great an influence is the High School that one attended.
3. Lastly, I most likely won’t be applying for college until Senior year, and so was wondering how much your expectations from an applicant change over the years.
Thanks for your time,
(Sorry ’bout the double post. My email was incorrect in the first one. ^^; )
hey.madman who makes people fly.u from kolkata??????
I wonder what will happen to the comic when he graduates.
YES I AM but how do you know??