Study Abroad Fair by Mitra L. '07
Learn about opportunities to study in another country (8 pictures)
(This is a direct paste from an email.)
The Undergraduate Association Committee on Student Life is proud to present MIT’s second-ever Study Abroad Fair!
When: Today, Wednesday, October 5th 2005, from 12 noon – 5 PM
Where: 2nd floor of the Student Center (La Sala de Puerto Rico)
Take a look at the countless academic and cultural prospects that over 25 Study Abroad programs from England to Australia offer students.
Add to the face value of your education by coupling scholastic endeavors with ever-important ventures into all the diversity the world has to offer.
Take advantage of the wondrous opportunity to discover a different country, experience a new culture, and intellectually challenge yourself all at once.
We look forward to seeing you at the Fair!
You can’t really read it, but the white banner in this picture is for American University in Cairo.
Also check out:
MISTI (MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives)
CMI (Cambridge-MIT Undergraduate Exchange)
CIS (Center for International Studies)
hi Mitra,
Can you please tell me what is MIT india programme all about.Do MIT students visit india to study in an Indian University/Institution for one or two semister long course under the programme.Thank you.
same an Ajit
same Ajit and G Sandeep