21E by Danny and Allan G. '20
our major in a diagram!
We are majoring in 21E, a joint major that lets you combine any humanities field (21), and any engineering field (E). We were recently messaged about the requirements of 21E, and were inspired to make a diagram, sine 21E can be confusing. So, here it is, filled out with the classes we’ve taken to meet the req’s!
GIR = General Institute Requirements
HASS = Humanities Arts and Social Sciences
REST = Restricted Elective in Science and Technology
CI-H = Communication Intensive in HASS
CI-M = Communication Intensive in Major
CMS.619 = Gender and Media Studies
CMS.333 = Production of Educational Videos
21M.601 = Drawing for Designers
21A.502 = Fun and Games: Cross-Cultural Perspectives
CMS.100 = Introduction to Media Studies
CMS.URG = CMS UROP for credit
CMS.S60 = Crafting Comics
CMS.611 = Creating Video Games
18.03 = Differential Equations
18.06 = Linear Algebra
6.163 = Strobe Project Laboratory
CMS.701 = Current Debates in Media
CMS.339 = VR and Immersive Media Production
6.00 = Introduction to Computer Science, Programming, and Data Science
6.009 = Fundamentals of Programming
6.031 = Elements of Software Construction
6.UAT = Oral Communications
6.815 = Digital and Computational Photography
6.837 = Computer Graphics