A Continuing Experiment in Cooperative Eating by Natasha B. '16
or, every food picture I have ever posted from pika
The streets are paved with slush, everything is cold, and my pajamas have penguins on them. It is decidedly winter.
But at pika, it’s spring rush. This means feasts and festivity. Festivities like poetry slams, strange instrument concerts, and sitting in a dark room listening to music with ice water and grapes (my personal favorite so far. Feasts like homemade tamales, traditional Ethiopian food, sushi, and a Chinese New Year’s meal, all made here, by us, with friends. (See our calendar for the rest of the week’s events; read/watch this if you want to know more about pika.)
In honor of this especially pika week, here is every pika food picture I have ever Instagrammed.
sushi last spring
something sweet
honeycomb from our backyard beehive + goat’s milk
homebrewed ginger beer (what’s that turquoise thing in the background, you ask? a relic: see #3 on this list of weird toys.)
flour toasting
faworki by our Polish exchange student from the other Cambridge (we miss you, Kuba)
salad featuring apples and flowers from a pikan’s family garden in western Massachusetts
not food, but food related
Indian dinner by Anvita and Ru
a pancake I made to look like a turkey
lemon zest shortbreadá la pumpkin custard and tart cherry purée with coarse salt garnish
chocolate-coated candied orange peels (and the preschool next door)
gingerbread pumpkin-frosted chocolate-drizzled heart cake
animal pancakes, round two: a llama and a rhinoceros
Dan’s classic sourdough, made with pika’s very own legendary sourdough starter, “The Cousin from Ipswich”
Come eat with us.