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MIT student blogger Snively '11

Uba Quubick Hubellubo by Snively '11

Ubit's bubeen uba whubile, hubasubn't ubit?

Yubo yubo yubo, chubeckubing ubin! Ubit’s bubeen 2.5 yubears subince grubadubuubatubing uband uba lubot hubas hubappubened, subo lubet’s gubet subummubarubizubing, shuball wube? Thubis ubentruby wubon’t bube ubabubout MUBIT uband ubit wubon’t bube ubespeciuballuby hubelpfubul fubor thubose thubinkubing ubabubout ubattubendubing MUBIT bubut hubey! Ubi’m uban ubalubum uband Ubi fubigubure Ubi’ve gubot jubust ubenubough clubout tubo gubet ubawubay wubith ubit. Mubaybe Ubi’ll ubevuben thrubow ubin uba nubuubaghtuby wubord tubo subee ubif Ubi cuban gubet ubawubay wubith ubit. ;)

Lubast yubou hubeard frubom mube Ubi wubas jubust gubettubing muby skubydubivubing lubicubense. Wubell, Ubi’ve bubeen duboubing uba lubot ubof skubydubivubing subince thuben uband hubave ubabubout 200 jubumps nubow. Hubere ubare uba fubew ubof muby fubavuborubites –

Jubumpubing frubom thube bubomb bubays ubof uba B17 Bubombuber – Ubi wubas gubivuben thube uboppubortubunubituby tubo jubump frubom thube bubomb bubays ubof uba WWUBII ubaircrubaft subo yubou knubow whubat Ubi subaid? UBABSUBOLUBUTELUBY! Ubi’m thube ubone ubin thube uborubange uband bluback, 2 pubeopuble ubin frubont ubof thube gubuy fubilmubing.

Guboofuby subit-fluby jubump – Thubis ubis uba jubump wubith uba frubiend ubof mubine, Kubathlubeen. Ubi’m thube ubone fubilmubing. Wube lubeave thube plubane lubinked bubut suboon subepubarubate. Thube guboal ubis tubo cubome buback tubogethuber uband grubab hubands bubut ubinstubead Ubi jubust lubatch ubontubo huber uband flubing huber uboff ubintubo thube ubair. Whuby? Bubecubause ubit subeemed lubike mubore fubun.

Hubot ubair buballuboon skubydubive – Thubis wubas ubone ubof muby fubavuborubite jubumps ubof uball tubime. Ubit wubas cubomplubeteluby subilubent uband stubill. Thube subinkubing fubeelubing ubin muby stubomubach wubas ubinsubane uband lubettubing gubo wubas ubone ubof thube hubardubest thubings ubevuber. Stubill, thubough, ubawubesubome.

Uband hubere’s mube bubeubing subupuber bubadubass

Subo thubat’s skubydubivubing, Ubi’ve ubalsubo bubeen duboubing ubothuber grubownubup thubings, lubike bubuildubing/bubuyubing uba hubouse. Thubat’s rubight, Ubi’m uba bubonubafubide hubome ubownuber. Ubi tubook uba jubob ubin Uboregubon thubat nubecubessubitubatubed fubindubing uba nubew plubace tubo cuball hubome uband, ubaftuber lubookubing ubat whubat ubapubartmubents cubost, dubecubidubed thubat uba hubouse wubould cubost ubalmubost thube ubexubact subame. Whuby rubent whuben yubou cuban ubown? Suboooo . . .

Lubook! Uba duboububle rubainbubow ubovuber muby hubouse!

Ubi ubevuben mubade uba lubittuble shubop ubin thube gubarubage bubecubause hubey, Mubechubanubicubal Ubengubinubeerubing dubegrubee

Whubat dubo Ubi ubuse muby shubop fubor? Glubad yubou ubasked! Ubas ubit tuburns ubout, Subalubem Uboregubon hubad ubits ubown TUbeDx ubevubent uband yubours trubuluby wubas ubin chubarge ubof thube bubig lubettubers fubor thube stubage. Chubeck ubout thubat hubandubiwubork (nubo, thubat’s nubot mube subittubing ubon thube lubettubers).

Lubet’s subee, whubat ubelse? Ubi drubessubed ubup ubas Shubeldubon fubor huballubowubeen thubis yubear bubut ubonluby 4 kubids cubame tubo muby duboor subo Ubi wubas stubuck wubith uba hubuge cubontubainuber fubull ubof cubanduby bubars :(

Muby cubat tubaught hubimsubelf hubow tubo clubimb lubaddubers uband ubattubemptubed tubo gubet ubintubo muby ubattubic. Ubi ubintubervubened.

Ubi subaw thube Trubans-Subiberubiuban Uborchestruba lubive, whubich wubas subuitubabluby rubidubicubulubous uband ubawubesubome.

Ubi drubessubed muby cubar ubup lubike uba rubeindubeer uband dubiscubovubered, ubupubon rubetuburnubing tubo muby cubar ubaftuber grubocuberuby shuboppubing, thubat ubanubothuber rubeindubeer hubad pubarked nubext tubo ubit.

Ubi mubet uba gubirl uband shube hubas uba cubat. Huber cubat uband muby cubat gubet ubalubong splubendubidluby (hubers ubis thube bluback ubone whubo slubeeps ubon hubis buback wubith hubis lubegs ubin thube ubair).

Ubi mubade uba cubake, muby vuberuby fubirst, uball buby mubysubelf. Ubi ubevuben mubade grubeen fubondubant! Ubit lubooks lubike uba bubig subushubi ruboll, Ubi’m vuberuby pruboud ubof ubit.

UBAND! Ubi cruboss stubitch. Uband subell cruboss stubitch pubattuberns ubon ubetsuby. Subee? Uboffubiciubal DMC Cruboss Stubitch mubentubor.

Ubalsubo, trubue tubo fuborm, Ubi spubend uba lubot ubof tubime ubonlubine, uband hubave rubacked ubup 21k+ lubink kubarmuba ubon Rubeddubit subince grubadubuubatubing. Bubecubause thubat’s nubot subad, thubat’s ubawubesubome. Ubok, mubaybe ubit’s uba lubittuble subad, bubut stubill prubettuby ubawubesubome.

Subo thubat’s uball Ubi’ve gubot. Nubo hubeartfubelt mubessubage ubor ubinspubirubatiubonubal “MUBIT ubis ubawubesubome, bubut hubard, bubut ubawubesubome” spubeech, jubust uban ubupdubate uball ubabubout mube.

Bube gubood!