A Beautiful Day by Matt McGann '00
It’s really nice in Boston today. I’ve just returned from a walk along the Charles River. Lots of people running along the river (doing a “bridge circuit”), and lots of sailboats in today’s gusting wind. It made me really miss sailing. Sailing, in my opinion, is the best PE Class you can take; I highly recommend it. MIT, btw, is the “birthplace of intercollegiate sailing.”
The walk was especially nice since it’s been quite hectic around here lately. We are busily preparing for Campus Preview Weekend — setting up events, matching prefrosh (that’s MIT jargon for you, the prospective student) with MIT student hosts (more on this soon), putting together a guidebook, and answering a giant stack of email. It’s going to be a terrific CPW.
Now, I’m taking a brief break from CPW work, blogging and listening to Dinnertime Sampler on WMBR. Tonight’s guests are President Susan Hockfield and her family (News Office story). So far, they have great taste in music, and they’re all really nice and funny.
Lots going on this week at MIT, as always — a video art lecture tonight that I’m disappointed to miss, the great Hawaii Club Luau, the beginning of the Buddhist Sand Mandala (continues through Saturday of CPW, be sure to check it out), and, next Tuesday, a talk by Academy Award winner Michel Gondry, director of many cool music videos as well as the film “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.”
You may have heard that we’ll have a “Meet The Bloggers” event at CPW on Saturday night. Honestly, I’m a little embarrassed — I’ve always thought that CPW should be focused on the student experience, things like classes, research, the arts, parties, dorms, and the like, and that we admissions officers should just facilitate that and stay out of the way. But on the other hand, I’m pretty excited to chat with you all, some for the first time, and some to continue our ongoing conversations. So, look for me, Ben, Daniel, Mitra, and more on Saturday night, after the big a capella show and before most of the big Saturday night parties.
Back to planning your CPW…