A Sign of Things to Come by Bryan
If Paul Revere went to MIT, he'd say, "The psets are coming. The psets are coming!"
I guess summer is coming to a close.
My schedule was posted on WebSIS. :-( [In all honesty, I’m actually really looking forward to this semester. The classes I’ll be taking are really good, and I’ve wanted to take them for a while.]
The double :-( :-( is my Friday. 2 – 4 pm…OUCH.
Fortunately, it only meets 7 times the entire semester. That means 5 three day weekends :-) :-) :-)
2.671 – Measurement and Instrumentation
Experimental techniques for observation and measurement of physical variables such as force, strain, temperature, flowrate, and acceleration. Emphasizes principles of transduction, measurement circuitry, MEMS sensors, Fourier transforms, linear and non-linear function fitting, uncertainty analysis, probability density functions and statistics, system identification, electrical impedance analysis and transfer functions, computer-aided experimentation, and technical reporting. Typical laboratory experiments involve oscilloscopes, electronic circuits including operational amplifiers, thermocouples, strain gauges, digital recorders, lasers, etc. Basic material and lab objectives are developed in lectures. Instruction and practice in oral and written communication provided.
20.430 – Fields, Forces, and Flows in Biological Systems
Molecular diffusion, diffusion-reaction, conduction, convection in biological systems; fields in heterogeneous media; electrical double layers; Maxwell stress tensor, electrical forces in physiological systems. Fluid and solid continua: equations of motion useful for porous, hydrated biological tissues. Case studies of membrane transport, electrode interfaces, electrical, mechanical, and chemical transduction in tissues, convective-diffusion/reaction, electrophoretic, electroosmotic flows in tissues/MEMs, and ECG. Electromechanical and physicochemical interactions in cells and biomaterials; musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and other biological and clinical examples.
Continued study of the language, literature, and culture of Spanish-speaking countries. Materials are from Spain and Latin America and include films, short stories, novels, plays, poetry, and journalistic reports in various media.
2.ThA – Undergraduate Thesis
How to write your thesis 101
2.A35 – Biomimetic Principles and Design
Hmm, all your courses seem to be of the form 2*.*. Part of that seems obvious because you’re a course 2 major, but I’m guessing the 20.* and 21.* are probably coincidences?
– Arkajit
Hmm, it seems that all of your courses are of the form 2*.*. Part of that is probably because you’re a course 2 major. But I’m guessing the rest (20.* and 21.*) matching this form is a coincidence?
– Arkajit
Why don’t i see 18.085 on there?