A Visit to eBay by Mitra L. '07
On Sunday, Phil (MIT ’07), Irene (MIT ’08), and I (MIT ’07) got lunch with our friend Carter (MIT ’07), who is interning for Apple this summer
Unfortunately, Carter’s job is so awesome and amazing that he can’t tell us anything about it. Despite his secrecy, we still took him out for pearl milk tea.
Today, I met my friend Tiffany (MIT ’06) for lunch; she’s interning for Accenture, a consulting firm, and is working on the eBay account. The eBay complex reminds me a lot of the Stata Center, with its bright colors, vibrant dining area, and general nerdiness.
Instead of numbering their buildings, like the cool people do, eBay names their buildings after products.
I got lost somewhere between jewelry and sports.
To pay homage to the product that made it famous, eBay has a case full of Pez dispensers.
Tiffany, Melanie, and I model eBay shirts that have cute slogans.
Apparently Wednesday is bagel day.
Thanks to Tiffany for a great lunch and lovely tour of the eBay complex! Yay MIT for helping people find sweet summer internships.
on your comment on my test entry, you left your website as mitra.mitrablogs.com. a little self-absorbed, are we?
will get a real post up next week!