Activate Party Mode! by Matt McGann '00
Auctomated dorm controls at East Campus.
From the same file as the Disco Dance Floor… it’s the Multifunction In-Dorm Automation System (MIDAS)!
MIDAS is an elaborate automation system that roommates Zack Anderson ’09 and RJ Ryan ’09 developed for their dorm room in East Campus. The room is now 199 square feet of customized awesomeness.
Check out the YouTube video of the MIDAS “Party Mode”:
You may have already seen this; it’s been all over the Internet, including:
Pretty cool!
That was my room freshman year (H208). It’s much cooler now.
That’s totally awesome!
Sweet Jesus!
Now THAT’S the way to pimp your dorm room …
It’s official, Matt – Veronica Mars is coming back for a third season. This Nielsen viewer feels proud.
I totally toured their room during CPW. It was so cool.
I think I have to go with Jesus’ comment as well… Sweet Jesus!
I am very proud to say that during my CPW dorm tour for EC i went in there and saw that.
such an amazing way to implement what you know and want to do to make your dorm room more interesting
One of the many reasons why I am going to MIT. This makes me happy.
That was my room during CPW! I had no idea it’d be known around the world. Wow!
Great job, Zack and RJ!