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Please note: MIT and the admissions office will be closed Monday, February 17, for Presidents’ Day, and will open on Tuesday, February 18.

MIT staff blogger Ben Jones

Admitted From The Waitlist? by Ben Jones

If you were admitted from the waitlist, you should now be able to see the Admitted Students Portlet in your MyMIT account. Go sign the MIT '10 guestbook!

If you were admitted from the waitlist, you should now be able to see the Admitted Students Portlet in your MyMIT account. Go sign the MIT ’10 guestbook!

6 responses to “Admitted From The Waitlist?”

  1. Atmore says:


    I’m just wondering if admissions received my SIR. I mailed it on the May 1st deadline, and I haven’t heard back yet–no emails, postcards, NBM. I’m just a bit concerned. Is it possible for you to check my status?

    -Kyle (hopefully) ’10

  2. Vicki says:


    I haven’t received my NBM either, and I am getting a little worried too. It’s reassuring to know that someone else is in the same situation, though. I’m just hoping it’s an ok situation.

    -Vicki ’10

  3. Any chance you guys will be accepting more people off the waitlist?

  4. Ben says:

    Hi folks – yes, I can check your enrollment status for you; just email me your full name and date of birth. benjones at m i t dot e d u.

    Vikaas – we’re not sure yet, but I’ll post as soon as I know.

  5. Thanks for the update =)

  6. Arka says:

    The MIT’10 Guest book is awesome!