Autumn in New England by Matt McGann '00
The trees explode with color.
I’ve been lucky enough to be able to enjoy autumn in New England recently. For those of you in regions that do not have four seasons: autumn is a wonderful time of year; the air is crisp, the foliage is exploding with color. I’m not a great photographer, but I hope some of the below showcases the beauty of this region these days. As the “peak foliage” has not yet reached Cambridge, the below photos come from recent trips to New Hampshire and Central Massachusetts.
This is also a good time of the year for apple picking…
Some people around here are so foliage-obsessed, there are even daily foliage charts in the newspapers. As you can see, Cambridge is still only showing “some color.”
What wonderful colors! the New England area really is very appealing, and somehow I have managed to live 9 places (over the course of fourteen years!) including England…but never really in the New England area.
Four entire seasons? My poor Texas brain can only comprehend two: Hot and Almost-Cold-Enough-To-Snow. The Northeast is so beautiful!
The leaves are just starting to hit Needham and I’m loving my first fall in the north, dispite the fact the texan is freezing at points.
I need to stop in and say Hi at some point, Commuter rail has been a gift from above when it comes to getting into Boston.
– Your Friend At Olin who still has a bit of MIT 09 in her.
Hi Matt, I have a question about the Sloan school. On U.S New and World Report, this school is ranked as number 2 for undergraduate business. Can you provide me with some more info? such as how does it compare to Wharton School of Business? or can I acquire the same business education in colleges that do not offer business as an undergraduate study (such as Harvard, where students take econ classes instead)? Thank you so much.
Sorry, in addition to my previous comment on Sloan, do you by any chance have any cross-study of Wharton and Sloan? and how’s Sloan as a graduate school?
Those scenes remind me of life in China. Here in Southern California deciduous trees are rare, and the leaves almost never change their green color.
Hi Matt,
Hope all is going well,
And thanks a lot for putting up the earthquake information, We all really appreciate it.
I was just going through some previous posts,
I think I need to say something again (which is off topic!)
I must say that almost everyone at MIT has contributed to the relief efforts for the earthquake, whoever we requested made an effort to help us, which is amazing.
The Indian Students’ Association, SANGAM, and the South Asian Students Association (SAAS), which is again predominantly Indian, have also been very supportive. They allowed us to setup a fundraising booth at the PENN Masala Concert this weekend in Kresge and also donated a portion of the money they generated in some event they hosted on campus. Similarly, the MIT Public Service Center is doing an awesome job of helping us wherever it can. Last night, during Professor Chomsky’s talk, we were allowed to setup a booth on special permission from Professor Chomsky (which is cool!), and it did raise a lot of money. The MIT MSA (Muslim Students’ Association) has also been colecting funds and relief items (clothing etc) for the affectees.
All in all, everyone has responded to the call, and contributed their bit.
love the colors!
here in NJ our trees were turning brown from not enough rain..now they’re turning brown from too much rain!
Hi Matt,
Wow! Those were pretty good photos, and I’m not saying that just because you are THE Assistant Director of Admissions. New Delhi’s also experiencing an autumn, though not as beautiful as New England. Our autumn implies a decrease in the daily average temperature from 35C to 20C over a span of two months. But there are some trees in the Central New Delhi area and around the President’s Estate (Rashtrapati Bhavan) which do give a good color show.
that’s funny. our seasons are: summer, hurricane, not summer…i don’t even own a sweater. (for those of you wondering, i’m in florida…south florida).
The pictures are gorgeous. The closest I got to seeing colors like that were on a road trip to Buffalo, NY…in august. Seasons sound nice…
hi, i actually just went up there for an overnight visit. i reeeeeeeally like boston fall. and the ppl were great. hope i get to see all those colors again. as far as temperature is concerned… cold>heat.
haha clarification: cold>heat translates to “i prefer cold climates.” i just realized that the “greater than” sign leaves room for misunderstanding. sigh the dangers of getting trapped by local internet vernacular