Back From The West Coast by Ben Jones
...with thoughts and conclusions on the recent serious posts.
Hi everyone,
I am back in town after a crazy day of traveling across the country with a pregnant wife and a toddler (good times). Sorry to be away from my blog for a few days, but my ability to get online was a bit sporadic during my trip.
I’ve had a chance to think about the recent thread a lot and discuss it with some of my superiors (for those of you just joining the discussion, there were some pretty serious suicide-related posts there over the last few days).
Here’s the conclusion – a public forum such as my blog is not the place to have a discussion on highly serious issues such as suicide. I respect the sentiments of the original poster, and am blown away by the humanity of this community in response to his/her post. Thank you all, so very much. But an admissions blog just isn’t the right place.
“….”, I would really like to try to help however I can. I am hoping that you will consider contacting me non-publicly – my email is benjones at mit dot edu. If I am not able to help, I will find someone who can.
All, I am sorry to have to remove or edit parts of that thread. But this blog is what it is, and Matt & I have to stay within certain parameters or risk losing our blogs altogether. Thanks for understanding.
“….”, my thoughts are with you. Please send email if I can help.
don’t mean to pry or meddle in your personal life, but was just wondering what your toddler’s name was. and if you have already given it out in some previous post then sorry. btw have you thought up a name for your second child??
may god wish you and your wife a happy and wonderful married life.
i thinks we were just kidding.. or at least I was…
besides.. que sera sera..
… @chip, je m’aime aussi, mais j’adore plus ma chere! son amour est tout pour moi.
woah did i get that right? hrm. if i get into MIT it’ll be her b-day present. un belle cadeau.
D’accord, d’accord. > indeed!
Well wisher – thanks so much for your kind post. I am trying to respect my family’s wishes to keep their names out of my blog; so unfortunately I can only answer by saying “it’s a secret.”
no problem ben, i fully understand