Campus Activities by Snively '11
What to do while not learning.
So, now that you’re on campus, you have all this free time, right? I mean, classes just started today, but that doesn’t mean you still don’t have tons of time to do fun stuff.
I was digging around on my external hard drive today (which has saved my life more than once, invest in one pronto) and I found a video of me at the beginning of last year that I never blogged. For some brilliant reason I decided that the gallon challenge would be a fun activity to partake in.
Not familiar with the gallon challenge? Here are the rules:
1) You have one hour to drink a gallon of milk (any % although whole is more manly)
2) You can’t vomit
I’m the one in the orange fleece, in case you couldn’t tell. This video also serves as a great look into the types of conversations that happen here and the kinds we chat about.
The great part is that WILG (Women’s Independent Living Group) dinner at IHOP was immediately after this so I proceeded to go eat a ton of bacon and be completely miserable all night, even after throwing up. Oh, and for the record, there was less than 1/8″ of milk left in that jug. I WAS SO CLOSE!
Nice.. I’m curious to actually get a sense of how ‘MIT people’ talk and what they talk about. My interview’s coming up so I’ll get a chance to do that soon
I don’t believe it – I was first without realising it:)
I tried doing that last year with a few friends… I felt so sick for the next day and a half, haha
The kid walking in circles was kinda funny, I thought Snively would have stuck his foot out and made him trip.
What other things do you guys do to pass the time?
Do things like this only happen during the first week?
IHOP is awesome!
Too bad we dont have it here in Canada!
“Does anybody know the density of milk?”
Only at MIT! ^_^ I love this place.
Gah! I would have gone with the skim! It is mostly water! Whole milk is like drinking candle wax.
Hey Snively, I heard you’re really awesome and know a lot about MIT. could you tell me about the HASS requirements? it’s soooo confusing.
Hi Snively, unrelated question, but wanted to know a bit about fraternities…how many boys choose not to join one and what do they miss out on. How many get rejected by fraternities and what happens then?
@ mom’13
I think Paul is the one to ask!
@ Ivan
For fun we study!
You couldnt drink a gallon of milk in an hour?
That’s not so hard. I;m proud to say I have at least :p