Class of 2010 profile by Matt McGann '00
A ststistical look at the incoming freshmen.
Here’s a look at this year’s incoming freshman class. Over the next week, we’ll take a look at some of the individuals in the class…
The MIT Class of 2010, by:
- Gender:
Male 55%
Female 45% - Ethnicity:
African American 8%
Asian American 28%
Caucasian 37%
Mexican American 7%
Native American 1%
Puerto Rican 2%
Other Hispanic groups 3%
Other/no response 6%
International citizens 8% - Geography:
New England 13%
Mid-Atlantic 17%
Southeast & PR 16%
Midwest & Plains States 14%
South/Southwest 11%
West Coast 19%
Abroad 10%
States represented 49
Countries represented 49 - Schooling:
Public school 71%
Private school 11%
Religious school 8%
Foreign school 11%
Home schooled <1%
High Schools represented 793 - Just for fun:
Most popular names
Male: Daniel
Female: Elizabeth / Jennifer / Stephanie (tie)Distance Traveled
Most: Jakarta, Indonesia
Least: Cambridge, MAThe one US state not represented
South Dakota
Just out of curiosity, which state is not represented?
See the updated entry for the answer =)
What do you mean by “we’ll take a look at some of the individuals in the class…”?
less than 1% homeschooled…I feel special….do you have the exact number?
Are you going to do profiles of a few freshman just like you did the seniors before they graduated? If so, I’m volunteering!
Awesome, thanks for the stats. For some reason or other, I love looking at these things.
Is it possible to get a breakdown of the ethnic groups by gender (e.g., percentage of Asian Americans in the class that are female vs. male)?
this information is great to know. I was wondering, do you know the percentage of incoming freshmen who got financial aid, and what was the average financial aid package. Also, just out of curiosity, what were the average SAT scores, that is, if you have that info available.
Thank you,
MIT hopeful for the class of 2012
Why are “international students” an ethnicity?
Yay I have the most popular name admitted! I’m so getting in next year! =P
Hi. Thanks for the statistics. It shows very interesting information about the incoming freshmen this fall
Yay, stats are up!
And I can’t help but wonder just what “tak[ing] a look at some of the individuals in the class” means.
Guess we’ll all find out soon enough!
Hey Matt!
Awesome stats, it’s really great to see that MIT is so diverse
LoL yeah Michael’s right i don’t think international students are considered an ethnicity, but i guess it’d be easier than listing all the ethnicities of those countries ;p
“Taking a look”…that sounds interesting
reminds me of the senior profiles ;p
Take care Matt!
Unusual circumstance: Most of my teachers since 9th grade are leaving. so, basically, i sill not have many teachers next year who will know me well since most of them are gone. what should i do? should i trust the new teachers? or could i use some other source for recs?
good question Borski!
Answer to SUchi: Try to keep in touch with your old teachers, because it is obvious that they know you better. And that is important a professor which knows you well.
Matt –
Do you know what the gender ratio is at MIT in engineering (mechE/ECE/ChemE/BioE etc), AFTER four years? I really like that MIT has gotten the admissions up to near 50/50 like startup-school Olin College has, but I’m afraid that all my future female companions will end up in all the different liberal arts-non engineering programs you talk about, abandoning engineering.
Melissa – MIT ’11 maybe?
Hey, I’m an ’11maybe? too
And IMO the liberal arts majors are just there to weed out the less cool people. :-p
(Actually, I’ve been dabbling in 20th century lit, but shh, don’t tell!)
But actually I go to a magnet sci/math school now and I have lots of artsy friends and I actually really like having them around to keep me well-rounded so my whole entire life isn’t just about the fourth degree taylor polynomial centered around 3 for x^kajillion/y+bajillion. Woman cannot live on math alone
Hey, I have the most popular male name. Who knew?
mine, too!
i wonder what it was in the previous years
I’m looking forward to next posts.
Thanks for the info!
my ex head boi is one of em for class of 2010 and i hope to be in the class of 2011.=) yep
so we pray, learn and wait for 2007. interested in aeronautics n aerospace engineering. a few others from my sch want to come too so maybe more than 1 person will get in than its been in the last 2 yrs hmmm
interesting facts though!
take care n stay blessed.
I may have missed it in a previous blog, but what is the actual size of the class of 2010?
Since you’ll be answering things next week i thought i’d paste my message here:
“Hey Matt,
I am writing after a long time…how are you…Well as i did not get into MIT this year…i am going off to college at Worcester Polytechnic (thats near boston yay)…i am thinking about applying as a transfer so i needed to consult which courses i should look into and what kind of a performance i should maintain in college to be up and running for admission consideration….For an incoming junior what is the weightage usually given to high school GPA (not that its bad or anything) and SAT Scores…Also is there a time when prospective transfers can come visit….”
I hope i am not posting this in the wrong place in that i dont really know whether you deal with transfer admissions or not.
Since you’ll be answering things next week i thought i’d paste my message here:
“Hey Matt,
I am writing after a long time…how are you…Well as i did not get into MIT this year…i am going off to college at Worcester Polytechnic (thats near boston yay)…i am thinking about applying as a transfer so i needed to consult which courses i should look into and what kind of a performance i should maintain in college to be up and running for admission consideration….Also is there a time when prospective transfers can come visit….”
I hope i am not posting this in the wrong place in that i dont really know whether you deal with transfer admissions or not.
Wait a second….71%- public schooled, 11% private, 8% religious, 11% foreign….thats already 101%!!
Please tell me there’s overlap T_T
Allo Matt!
Interesting numbers you’ve got here–I love to browse these sorts of statistics, they’re so fascinating. I’m always impressed with how diverse MIT is when I’m hanging around over in Cambridge (I’m from Newton, MIT’s campus and general vicinity make for a good way to pass the time… central / kendall woo). I actually don’t get the chance to stroll the lovely greens and such but for occasional jaunts during the summer! as I go to boarding school a bit north, in exeter. whoop… not. miss boston.
ah, but my point! I was just commenting to say–aside from the interesting post–that I’m so glad you’ve provided this very useful resource for interested students. I’m ’07 and it’s really helpful to have this perspective, and these sorts of posts, available to me. So much so in fact that I made sure to link you on my own college-related blog! So, just a heads-up to that, maybe you’ll get a few more hits or something. Anyways, keep up the great work.