CPW Day 2 by Ben Jones
A recap, with pictures.
Another insane (in a good way) day! Got to MIT early; checked in with my fellow admissions peeps. Not bound to the Reg Desk today, I made the most of my time attending events and meeting prefrosh.
Started with the Student Life & Learning Panel & followup sessions. Had lunch with Mootmom. Went back to my office for the first time in 2 days; checked email.
Akash & Erin stopped by and we stalked people using the satellite feature of Google Maps for an hour or so. Met up with Lorelle and headed to the BSU Lounge in Walker; met some awesome people. Went to Senior Haus just in time to see 6000 bouncy balls thrown off the roof. Had some fun with said balls.
Back to the BSU Lounge to hear AMAZING live jazz and eat Redbones for dinner. From there I headed to the Mr/Miss MIT pageant in time to see the winners crowned. At last Lorelle and I packed up the computers in La Sala and headed back to 3-107.
Note to Caltech students: the note you left in our office, informing us of this, has made its way to, um, the right people. Not that I know anything about this. What? What note? What are you talking about?
P.S. Can I just tell you all how much the prefrosh ROCK?
Today’s pics are below…
Hey Ben! Its awesome
what a nice pic
The pics at Matt’s blog are awsome and I loved the MIT bhangra Club perform the South Asian folk dance here!!!

have a grt CPW>
we are enjoying the cricket match heer as well as the updates from u guys abt the CPW
oh the above post was mine,
just forgot to put my name in excitement!
BTW, I cannot judge where does ur bottom left strat from hehehehe
can u start by the color of the shirt and say clockwise from here, wd b a lot simpler for ppl like me, hahaha
You know we do!
’09 all the way…
question: were those tshirts given out at the athletics fair a caltech prank?
or am i just not smart enough to get them?
(note: they said mit on the front and “because not everyone can go to caltech” on the back)
Hey Ben, I just saw the viewbook and it looks awesome!
Hope you’re having fun at CPW
<3 David
just kidding- i actually looked at the website. they are a prank.
so— who else is gonna cross out the not? (making it “because everyone can go to caltech”)
How about this: Anthony is wearing glasses.
Finally, a war…it’s a good time to be a prefrosh…a CALTECH prefrosh…
“Prefrosh” – yes, one of many pranks over the last few days from our friends on the west coast.
Others would include the banner on 77 (which was already “dealt” with) and the baloons in the Lobby 7 dome, not to mention the stickers. I have to give them major props for flying 3000 miles just to mess with CPW.
That said, I cannot WAIT to see what MIT hackers do in return.
(But as an MIT employee I don’t think I’m supposed to say that.)
Oh whatever. No doubt the vast majority of my colleagues across campus feel exactly the same way. And we should all just admit it – hacks are awesome and should be celebrated. Really – what would MIT (or Caltech for that matter) be without them?
Balloons?! IN THE DOME?! My god, the kids at Caltech are far superior pranksters. HOW DID THEY POSSIBLY THINK OF BALLOONS?!
We can’t wait to see what the MIT hackers do in return either, so I think it’s perfectly fine for you to admit it, Ben. Oh, and thanks for sending along our message.
The MIT 09 prefrosh are amazingly awesome, but not as awesome as Ben Jones :D
Ha. “The Only Institute of Technology” Ha.
Score one for MIT.
I’ll be waiting for MIT to show themselves…
Will there be snow flakes instead of palm trees? :o)
All in the spirit of fun… though Caltech gets bonus points for first blood. :o)
Yes. Yes we do ROCK! Hee.
Aww, that picture is awesome. It’s all the cool people I hung out with over the weekend!
Yes, my friend is going to Caltech tomorrow and I expect her and the other prefrosh to be bombarded by hacks, dammit =D
omg how am i infamous?!
Mike – you get one if you do a summer program here, such as RSI. The rest of you will get them late May or beginning of June I believe.
Nghi, how the heck did you already recieve a @mit.edu address? I’m jealous. :p
Ahh. Boo.
[email protected] it is, then :p
Thanks for posting the photos! Looks like they’re all having a great time!!
WoooooooHooo Sukrit and Ian are both in the pics!!!! That’s 2 points for RSI
Arrghhh why couldn’t they make an international CPW…i’m thinking of going to the Beirut one but it’s right before APs I don’t know if i can make it just for a day and come back.. :/
Oh by the way, Matt, could you please tell me when the international students orientation at MIT is going to start in the summer? And are all students together or are internationals seperate?
Thanks a lot!!!
Wow, it’s been a while since I posted here…after I came back from Malaysia lots has been happening ;P
Have fun everyone, I can’t wait to meet you!!!
Thanks for putting up the pic of me!
I had a great time, and I’ll see you next year!
The pic of Sukrit is just awesome. =)
Thanks a lot Bryan that really helped!!!
haha–hey there! Which of the 3 Intel finalists is feeling left out here?
Kidding…the pic of Sukrit rocks :D
CPW was incredible…Yoohoooooooooooooo
International students orientation begins on August 21, but students are asked to arrive a few days earlier. There’s a short orientation specifically for international students, then there is the entire orientation for all of the incoming students.
Hope this helps.
– Bryan