CPW Day 3 by Ben Jones
A recap, with pictures.
Today was dominated by the Meet The Bloggers Party – it was SO great to meet all of you!
But before we get to that, the rest of the day…
Got to MIT early, worked the help desk for a couple of hours. Headed over to the EC workshop (that’s Educational Counselor, not East Campus) where I got to meet a bunch of cool MIT alums (some of whom actually read these blogs!). Back to the help desk for most of the afternoon.
At 5PM, I headed over to the closing ceremony which concluded with performances from 6 a cappella groups. In true MIT spirit it got hacked (see pic below). All of the groups were fantastic!
Next, Matt, Mitra, Kevin and I raided LaVerde’s to buy supplies for the MTB party (see pic below). $60 of ice cream and root beer.
And most of you know what happened next – the bloggers blabbed away for awhile and everyone got to meet each other. Super fun. Almost all of the below pics were taken at the MTB party.
And finally, Matt and I stopped by the Battle Of The Bands before leaving for the night. On my way to the T, something *large* blew up near EC (that’s East Campus, not Educational Counselor). Big orange glow, lots of smoke, smelled kindof bad. The perfect end to the perfect day.
Today’s pics are below…
/me too
me too =) =)
I am waiting for u to edit this post!!!!
CPW = sw33t.
It is a very well organized event with a huge amount of interesting activities to choose from.
Absolutely brilliant.
I really missed Meet the Bloggers Party:<
i’m back in CA and I already miss MIT!
well.. i wish i could be there
CPW was really awesome! Suprisingly enough, the best times were spent doing nothing at all!
If MIT does decide to hack Caltech, which I’m sure someone will during PFW… Please don’t mess with the water heaters or the food or the electricity. I really like showering, eating good food, and I do NOT want to be in the dark with scary Caltech people… I might DIE!
MAN!!! CPW WAS AWESOMEEE!!!! I’ll upload the pix i have from “Meet the Bloggers” later and put the link on this site.
it was GREAT seeing all of you wonderful bloggers!!! =)
Thanks for an awesome time!!
I’m in that picture! CPW was absolutely amazing–it was all I remembered MIT to be and a whole lot more, and it was fun meeting all the bloggers. I can’t wait for the fall!!
CPW exceeded ALL my expectations.
Look for a post on my blog about it if blogs.mit.edu ever comes back up again
Katharine – it’d be against the spirit of a hack according to MIT and definitely in violation of Caltech’s honor code.
Caltech 2009, I’m glad to hear that… but now I’ve thought about it for a good oh… five seconds and REALIZED that maybe MIT should go and mess with the electricity… that way, if David Krumholtz (who is absolutely gorgeous) is filming Numb3rs at Caltech, I could be stuck in the dark with him! Yeah, that was a joke too…
Yay, I’m in the picture!!! I’m the pink one (my skin not my shirt… Go Irish-ness). I just got home, because of the blizzard in Denver that shut down the airport – I got to stay at MIT for one extra day:) I miss it already.
Hello! Awww man I missed the meet the bloggers party! CPW was awesome though. Ben, I was so surprised when you remembered me when I picked up my CPW packet, eventhough I don’t post that often. That was so totally COOL! It was really cool to see you guys in person but it is kind of like seeing a celebrity. I didn’t know what to do and I was kind of afraid to approach you guys, which is totally silly hehe. Anyways, thanks for an awesome CPW. 8^)
Siamrut, aren’t they great? I introduced myself at the Meet the Bloggers Party as “Laura,” and Ben said, “THE Laura?” Haha. I love you guys. So much. It was like the highlight of…that half hour….
Ben, you should edit this post so I can read it, and not my AP Chem book.
Okay, it has been edited!
Sorry about all the extra posts, I was using a school computer which had a serious problem today and kept flipping out and having spasms.
You take the most unflattering pics. Period.
You and your camera taking unexpected shots…
All of the CPW pics are great! Except for the one of me in this entry (I can’t even describe what it looks like I’m doing because I don’t know). Anyway, kudos!
Marilee is seriously the coolest.
HAHAHA – look at Tim crowd surfing!! LOL.
This has got nothing to do with CPW, but I wondered if CEE has released information regarding how many applied to RSI this year. Thanks.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL @ TIM and Marilee!!! You guys rock I am SO pissed i couldn’t come!!!
I love the Logs like nothing else. (Especially the guy in the Lifesavers suit – come on! That was great!)
I’m with thekeri on that one. I’d say the a capella show was the PERFECT ending for CPW. It left me with the warmest feeling inside.
Will there be another concert for orientation week? Pretty PRETTY please? I want my parents to see it…
Neha –
There MUST be another a cappella show. Absolutely must be.
I’m thinking of trying out for one next year, actually.
YAYYYYY! CPW was amaaaazing, I just thought I’d let you know…
I had so much fun, and learned so much about MIT and what it’s like there…. I went from 50-60% sure about going to MIT to 95% sure…
CPW was awesome. I went from being lukewarm about MIT to I MUST go there. NOW! There are so many things that make MIT soooo incredible.
100% sure I’ll go to MIT if $ works out.
There is another a cappella sing during mid-October for parents’ weekend that runs exactly like the CPW sing. You’ll get to hear all 6 groups perform again.
If you’re at all interested in auditioning (like thekeri), you definitely should. A cappella is awesome.
Feel free to email me [[email protected]] if you have any questions at all (about anything).