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MIT staff blogger Matt McGann '00

CPW, via Video by Matt McGann '00

Experience (or relive) Campus Preview Weekend through online videos.

For those of you who couldn’t make it to campus for CPW, here is a video recap of much that occurred! I hope this is helpful =)

And for those of you who attended CPW — it was great to meet you!

Here are the videos, compiled from the great people at MIT TechTV and (of course) YouTube.

President’s Welcome & Faculty Keynote Lecture

This was the official CPW Welcome, including speeches by Dean of Admissions Stu Schmill, President Susan Hockfield, and an awesome keynote address by Amy Smith. It’s long, but worth watching!

The CPW Festival

The Festival occurred Thursday night, after the Student Welcome. Dozens of student groups offered activities ranging from 2×4 Jenga to big screen DDR to a liquid nitrogen ice cream extravaganza. It was really fun!

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) Panel Discussion

(with special panelist Melis ’08!)

Marching Band performs for President Hockfield

You may have already seen Snively‘s entry covering this…

21: Bringing Down Next House blackjack event

The Next House dormitory hosted some of the members of the famed MIT Blackjack Team on Saturday night, including a panel (first video, discussing their “scariest moment” while on the team) and a member who gave a card counting tutorial (second video).

Interviews with Liz ’12 and Andy ’12

On the third day of CPW, Bryan ’07 interviewed some students about their experiences so far.

CPW Closing Ceremony: MIT Logs

The Closing kicked off with this a capella performance from the Logarhythms.

CPW Closing Ceremony: MIT Chorallaries

The Chorallaries performed…

CPW Closing Ceremony: Jacob Sharpe ’11

For my money, Jacob’s juggling act was the highlight of the closing… sadly, we don’t have video of it, but here’s another video with Jacob’s act, at the Festival Mondial du Cirque De Demain (“The Worldwide Festival of the Circus of Tomorrow”) in Paris. Surprise fact: as in this video, Jacob was originally scheduled to perform with his equally talented and brilliant brother Nate ’09, but Nate had a track meet. The Shapre Brothers are quite a duo…

I hope that gives you a flavor of the CPW that was…

9 responses to “CPW, via Video”

  1. Judy '12 says:

    good times man good times

    I think I’m gonna cry *WAHHHHHH*

    I miss MIT already and I wanna go now *__*

  2. wendi says:

    Sounds amazingly fun – “Logarhythm”… creative wink!

  3. Judy '12 says:

    The Log’s were the highlight >.The Log’s were the highlight >.< and of course the other cool stuff

  4. Becky '12 says:

    Jacob Sharpe was pretty awesome.

  5. Isshak says:

    Good job with the interviews Bryan ! Thanks.

  6. Femgineer says:

    I miss CPW and all the cool people I met there, but it was nice seeing you again Mr. McGann!

  7. Anonymous says:

    For more videos on the next house blackjack event, go to:

    btw, the guy giving the tutorial at the pool table is Jon Hirschtick (formerly CEO of Solidworks). He was one of original players on the MIT blackjack team that went to Vegas!

  8. Davorama says:

    I want to see the hypnotist show (which had to be interrupted). I took part.

    Sorry for not seeming like I wanted to say hi to you @ Meet the Bloggers when you were blocking the path to my seat. I did want to say Hi but I also wanted to make up for the awkwardness of standing around by getting back to my seat.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I missed the closing ceremony…I love the a capella