Crazy Day by Mitra L. '07
Two of my friends from UCLA are visiting, and we have had a busy first day. They both flew in early this morning, and we spent the whole day walking around the area in the glorious warmth and sunlight that indicates the MIT Weather Machine is gearing up for Campus Preview Weekend (CPW). For the food snobs out there, we had lunch at Legal Seafoods, homemade gelato in Beacon Hill, truffles on Newbury, Trader Joe’s chips in my suite, and dinner at Figs. In addition, three very notable things happened today:
I received season 1 of Grey’s Anatomy on DVD
I went to Wellesley for the first time ever
I saw Ben Affleck on the sidewalk!
I got my season 1 a month ago and MAN was it SWEET!!
I love Grey’s Anatomy, I’m in love with everyone on the show! Where did you see Ben Affleck? I heard he frequently goes to the restaurant Ciao Bella on Newbury Street. Wow, I sound like a 15 year old teeneybopper/stalker.
Were those the Trader Joe’s mango chips? I kept hoping you would open them so I could steal some out of your cabinet, but I’m sure you have totally eaten all of them by now, because they are crazy delicious.
This is a short, but very good, entry.
I hope to see you on CPW this Thursday!!!
This is a short, but very good, entry.
I hope to see you on CPW this Thursday!!!