December Events by Mitra L. '07
HUGE NEWS: MIT opens world’s largest neuroscience research center
European Union Speaker Panel
Integration and International Policy
Featuring the following Consul Generals:
Mr. John Rankin, HM Consul General, UK
Dr. Wolfgang Vorwerk, Consul General, Germany
Mr. Francois Gauthier, Consul General, France
Mr. David Barry, Consul General, Ireland
Ms. Manuela Bairos, Consul General, Portugal
Date: Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Time: 7:30pm – 8:30pm
Place: Room 4-163
The event will begin with light refreshments and a brief presentation by the panel members, which will be followed by a question and answer session.
10 days of: Nausea :: Vomiting :: Diarrhea :: High Fever :: Dry cough :: Sore Throat :: Muscle aches :: Runny Nose :: Stuffy Nose :: Extreme Fatigue
A Ten Second Sting??
you decide.
WHAT? Flu Walk-in Flu Shot Clinic for Students!
WHEN? Monday (THIS WEEK!), 12/5, 11:30-2:00pm
WHERE? Student Center 3rd Floor, PDR 1 and PDR 2
WHO? sponsored by MEDLINKS and Health Education at MIT
first prize: IPOD
runner ups: MASSAGE vouchers!
WHAT? Design a poster that will help prevent the spread the cold/flu! The posters can be simple and can address ANY potential route of virus transmission. For poster ideas go to
When? Last submissions accepted Friday, Dec 9th at midnight
WHO? Sponsored by MEDLINKS and Health Education at MIT
Monday, December 05, 2005
Film Screening: “The Name of the Disease” with introduction by Filmmakers Abhijit V. Banerjee and Arundhati Tuli Banerjee
Time: 7:00p
Location: 56-114
The documentary “The Name of the Disease” explores the voices of patients, shamans, doctors, and varied health officials in some of the poorest parts of rural Rajasthan, India, to attempt an understanding of the complex and multi-layered narratives of the poor and the sick. The film looks at some of the often conflicting perspectives, and it addresses the questions of daily tragedy and fatalism, tradition and modernity and complacency and rage, as it traces stories that people tell about their lives.
Running time: 50 minutes.
Featuring: Konkona Sen Sharma, National Best Actress Award winner, 2004, India. Filmmakers are Abhijit V. Banerjee, Arundhati Tuli Banerjee, and Bappa Sen.
Filmmakers Abhijit V. Banerjee and Arundhati Tuli Banerjee will introduce the film.
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Center for Bilingual/Bicultural Studies, International Film Club, MIT India Program, GSC Funding Board, Foreign Languages & Literatures, Poverty Action Lab MIT
NOTE: Professor Abhijit Banerjee taught me 14.74: Development Economics last Spring!
The Sloan Trading Room Task Force Presents..
Goldman Sachs Trading Simulation
Tuesday, December 6, 2005
E52-010 (Sloan Trading Room)
Come join Goldman Sachs traders for open-outcry and electronic trading games in Sloan’s Trading Room! Meet and network with professionals who will walk you through the basics of trading. Learn to trade different instruments – winners for each game will receive prizes from Goldman Sachs!
No experience necessary
Dinner and refreshments will be served
Come see the Logs at their annual winter concert in Kresge
Auditorium! It’s on Sunday the 11th at 8pm, and it’s FREE!
Formed in 1949, the Logs have had 56 years to perfect their all-male
a capella performance to bring you Winter Concert 2005. It’s well
before finals, so you don’t have to worry about studying. It’s free,
so you don’t have to worry about your wallet. It’s awesome, so you
don’t have to worry about being bored on Sunday the 11th. The Logs
once again welcome back the BU Terpsichore, who have opened the show
for the past couple of years. Come early for the best seats!
MIT’s Concert Choir presents…
Handel’s Messiah
This Sunday December 4 in Kresge at 7pm.
Tickets will be sold at the door…or pick them up in Lobby 10 for free
ahead of time!
Sam performed at this event! I went and heard it, and it was simply lovely.
Kresge Little Theater
Thursday December 8th @ 8pm
Friday December 9th @ 8pm
Saturday December 10th @ 4pm & 8pm
Sunday December 11th @ 2pm
Ticket Sales in Lobby 10 Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday!!!
MIT Men’s Ice Hockey Game (vs. Holy Cross)
Tuesday, 12/6
7:00 PM
Johnson Ice Rink
The loudest, most spirited, most crazily dressed superfans will receive FREE MIT GEAR.
*Sponsored by UA Athletics*
Res(((o)))nance Fall Concert
Friday, December 9th (That’s this Friday!) 9:00 P.M.
Featuring The Bowdoin College Meddiebempsters.
Resonance, one of MIT’s co-ed a cappella groups, has recently received the honor of appearing on the BEST OF COLLEGE A CAPPELLA 2006 compilation CD. Our new album, Left on Red, is already breaking through a cappella barriers everywhere. With fresh style, intricate background, and amazing solos, Resonance plans to blow your socks off this Friday night!
Come check us out…..we’ll resonate for you!
Hey Mitra,
Don’t forget, Resonance is going to be performing this Friday, December 9th, at 9:00 PM in 10-250!
(hope you can come!)
You are right! Sorry, I hadn’t gotten the email yet. I will add it =)
Hi. Good site ,and realy has more information! I bookmark your site, best greetings and Good Luck!
Thank you very much for an interest web site. Good Luck!
Really amazing! Keep up the good work. Thank you.