Decision Mail Date: March 11 by Ben Jones
Hang in there guys, I know this is a crazy stressful time.
As you’ve probably read via the homepage, Friday, 3/11 is our goal. If that slips for any reason, I’ll let you know.
Less than a week until I get to shave… NICE
Hang in there guys, I know this is a crazy stressful time. I’m thinking lots about all of you. :-)
Thanks Ben,
On behalf of all of those who had the courage to apply, especially my international counterparts, I think you and Matt for the transpariancy of the Admission Office in this stressful process. I hope to see you at CPW…
Jean Leloup
Wow, that’s pretty early. Good work to you guys.
Good luck to everyone waiting to hear RD.
So how are supposed to spend the last week?!?
I *finally* got Sims2. It literally *eats* time, you know.
So… one week… seven days…. so many days…..
This means the intl committee is today!
Good luck everybody!
Hey ben,
How long has it been since you last shaved? Could you post a picture right before the “Admissions complete” shave and after?
ekkkkkkkkk i’m SO SCARED :(
that’s the best news yet
Thank you Ben for such good news.
Thank you also for all your posts on collegeconfidential.com
less than a week left ahhh!!
I think I might actually be thankful for my AP English poetry project- It’s due the 11th, so hopefully I can immerse myself in getting the bloody thing done. (I’m on page twelve of poetry analysis. And it’s only half- my partner’s got something like fourteen so far!)
Or I can stare at my computer screen, going “six days, five hours, thirty-four minutes… six days, five hours, thirty-three minutes…”
mail the decision on 11th?? it’s the same date as when MIT mailed the EA decision, which means the letterwill arrive on Cal on the following monday…
trying to be calm…
just can’t..
so i sleep..
then i dream…
that i getrejected!!
Well I have mock exams starting on the 11th and finishing on the 23rd. = Sucks.
…. I was thinking the same thing…anyone have any ideas of how to deal with the rejection?
this is how to *try* to deal with my coming rejection letters:
i have told almost all of my friends that i have been rejected already..(maybe i am right…)to see their reactions.*NOTE: u need to act as if it is REAL* mostly they comforted me…which made me feel REALLY good!!!!!!
ALSO, recently i have been sooo used to cry at everything that one week later i will no longer have tears to spare for my rejection letter.
if i really get rejected <=likely to be the case, i will repeat the process that i have practiced many times; if i am accepted<+ unlikely to happen, i will……………
i will…………
i will……..
definitely? i don’t think definitely quite encompasses the certainty in my attendance at mit if i get the BIG envelope…i think the worst part might be knowing without having to open it…so i can start crying as soon as i see the little envelope sitting in my mailbox…but by god, if i am accepted (they’re mailing them on my bday, can they actually do that and not accept me?), i’ll see you next fall!
Here’s some wisdom for you… a (THE) girl told me this before she rejected me, so it may help you if you get rejected::
so hehehe.
…how to deal with rejection. Do something like “a fat sheep” has done beforehand. Tell yourself you are going to be rejected. Make plans for what you will do, where you will go. But be prepared to be accepted too, otherwise you’ll die of shock if you are accepted. Whatever you do, don’t go over your application after you’re rejected and point out all the microscopic things that “could have made a difference”. This will only make you feel worse. Instead, think what a great person you are anyhow and go on with you life. Although MIT would be great, it isn’t everything there is to life.
Jane, I convinced myself I was going to get rejected..and while I didn’t die of shock, you were right, I was close!
however, that kind of shock was not bad at all
Not only that, but the mentality I had when I went to get that letter was _very_ (read: too) prepared for a rejection. Had I been rejected, I don’t think I would have taken it hard at all, because in my mind I was already rejected.
Hey guys, had to remove the “I’ll kill myself if I don’t get in” references in this thread – suicide is an extremely sensitive topic in these parts. I really hope you were joking – if you weren’t, PLEASE realize that no college in the world is worth your life. Life is so much bigger and more meaningful than where you go to school.
As my dad told me when I was little, “it’s not where you go to school that matters, it’s what you do with your education.”
NOTHING in the world is more important that one’s life. Nothing.
Michael Axiak- that is, as we say here, “frickin’ ahwsome”
NoCreativity- Aw, Je t’aime!
P.S. Pictures coming SOON – before & after shots.
I’m scared. I sit here and shiver sometimes, have bad dreams (as is evident by the story on my blog), and yet cannot help but think: “If they don’t want me, they can’t have me.” I guess it’s the only way I can deal with it.
We’ll see what happens.
It was easier for early, for some reason.
P.S. Ben, I love you and your beard. It’s going to be a sad day to see it go. But hopefully my acceptance at MIT will make me a bit happier, haha. Later.
Life, and all that comes with it, be it despair, joy, responsibility or reward, is a gift of God.
We are all special people. I quote from my own book –
“I am, but a thread
in this grand tapestry;
a design so vast,
and rich,
and filled with colours,
and laced with patterns,
that although I am
a speck, and nothing moreퟏ
I do realize, that –
a part of this design,
I grace this picture,
strengthen its weave,
and complete it.”
So, there is really no reason to throw away one’s life at one obstacle – we all have so *SO* much more that the lack of *ONE THING* should not disrupt our lives.
The World NEEDS you! It is incomplete without you!
well… I’m so sorry that i live so far from MIT… it will take like a month for a letter to come
Yay for before and after pictures!
Thanks ben!
Hey, …. and King David.
I have dealt once with a rejection for United World Colleges. And it was a very high stage of selection.
When I called to the admission center [which was basically our government building…] I asked to be delicate. “Name surname? – Let’s see… no. bye”. What did I say? ok… See you.
It was not that I did not deserve it. I deserved it badly since I wanted this scholarship to help me with admission at MIT, in two years and a half. But still, not everyone that goes to United World Colleges gets in at MIT, and not every international at MIT is after UWC school.
It would be especially illogical, since there is a selection committee that, which is reported to be less objective than it should. For example because of nepotism.
I did not stop trying.
Now I am waiting for the decision of MIT, but once again, if I found myself rejected, that does not mean that I have no chance for a job at MIT!
As long, as I am alive.
Dead man cannot apply for admission, and certainly won’t make anything good for world but facilitate the proliferation of some bacteria and fungi. [HJehe, but If you become scientists, for example biologist, you will culture much more bacteria throughout you life, and it is certainly more generous. Hence, death is the worst solution
And some practical hints to ease your dealing with rejection:
– Sport
– Sport
– Sleep
– Work
– Thinking, and other things that make you feel useful and important. Like projecting devices, or inventions.
– Maybe social work.
– Good eating
I understand how you feel, since I’m going through the same wait right now, but failure is an unavoidable part of life. The world needs more smart and neat people, and if you’re applying to MIT, that means you.
Even Einstein initially failed to get into the school he wanted. Don’t give up on life because something doesn’t go your way.
Actually changlingpiper, I was procrastinating a little project myself and ended up with this:
Maybe you can stare at it, and make the time go by quicker?
Have a good week.
MIT is great. MIT is not as great as you are, no matter what they say. College, no matter where you go, is an opportunity. Anything possible at MIT is also possible somewhere else. Try focusing less on the location, and more on the substance of what you want to do with yourself.
Thanks to everyone for all of your great insight and perspective.
Please see my conclusion to this thread: