EA, RA, and Transfer Updates by Matt McGann '00
Including the status of MyMIT tracking and the latest for those impacted by Sandy.
Happy November — it's almost Thanksgiving! Here are some updates and notes:
Responsive Design: Notice anythign different about our website? mitadmissions.org is now "responsive," meaning it should look equally good on a desktop, laptop, tablet, iPad, Kindle, mobile phone, iPhone, whatever. What do you think? Let us know how it looks!
MyMIT Tracking for EA: We are still processing thousands of documents. Do not worry/call/email if something is not showing up yet on your MyMIT tracking. Once we're up-to-date, we'll let you know, and send an email to those people we still need something from.
Transfer deadline: Tomorrow, November 15, is a transfer deadline for MIT. Feel free to ask questions here, if you have any!
Sandy: If you were impacted by Hurricane (are people really still calling it "Superstorm"?) Sandy, we will be flexible with your EA application materials. I know some schools and homes are still out of power, and we don't want admission to be a worry. If you have submitted your EA Part 1 but not yet your Part 2, you can still do so. If you have not yet submitted your EA Part 1, you will need to select "Regular Action" when you submit it, and then email us and have us change it to Early Action (sorry for that minor inconvenience). If you were scheduled to take November SATs (Reasoning Test or Subject Tests) and have been rescheduled to November 17 (or 18), please fill out this form. However, if your November test was rescheduled for December, we will not receive this in time for EA consideration. And we continue to be flexible with all of your school/teacher forms. Best wishes for a quick recovery!
RA Interview Deadline: If you are applying for RA, I recommend you schedule your interview now, or very soon. The deadline to contact your EC is December 10, but I strongly suggest you not wait until this last minute. Note that we cannot accomodate all overseas international students for interviews, so if your interview is waived, there is no more you will need to do at this time.
EA Decisions: We have not set any date for EA decisions. It will probably be in mid-to-late December. Please be patient while we go through thousands of applications!
I hope this is helpful. Best wishes!