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MIT staff blogger Ben Jones

EA Blogger Application Decisions by Ben Jones

The results are in.

I just want to say on behalf of the committee that we are truly impressed with all of the applications (and there are MANY). Your collective enthusiasm is a testament to the success of this project, and Admissions Blogging Year 3 is going to be unparalleled.

I’ll shut up now and give you what you actually came here to get: the results of the EA round.

For a variety of reasons we have decided to take only one blogger at this time and defer all of the rest to the RA round. A big huge welcome to our newest blogger, Ms. Jess Kim.

Jess has been an enthusiastic member of our community for the better part of a year, and most of the committee members were avid readers of her blog long before she applied for this position. Her combination of thoughtfulness, humor, depth, and variety of content make her a great choice to help us translate MIT onto the web.

Congrats Jess!

And to the rest of you – don’t lose hope! Three more bloggers will be selected in September.

18 responses to “EA Blogger Application Decisions”

  1. Omar '10 says:

    Congratulations Kim!

  2. Phyo says:

    A thousand congrats Kim!

  3. Christina says:

    Congrats Kim!!!!!!!!!! wink

    She deserves it.

  4. Ben says:

    Why does everyone keep referring to you by your last name?!?!

  5. Christina says:

    I was just following the trend.

  6. Ben says:

    Okay, I have deleted all of Jess’s comments in this thread because she told me to.

  7. thekeri says:

    And before I got to give snarky replies to Jess’s comments, too.

    Anyway. Breaking the trend. CONGRATS TO JESS! She totally deserves it. And I’m not just saying that because I’m in love with her. ^_^

  8. Colin says:

    Congratulations to my wife!

  9. Aziz '10 says:

    CONGRATULATIONS! You have high expectations ahead of you Jess, so good luck with it wink

  10. Nur says:


  11. Jared says:


  12. cristen says:

    congrats!!!!! your blog is teh awesome. smile

  13. JKim says:

    Hey, thanks you guys smile

  14. cemilyd says:

    ^_^ (need I say more?)

    hmmm it’s not too late to join the RD round, right?

  15. Daniel says:

    Yay, I know important people now smile

  16. Minh says:

    Wooo congrats Jess!

  17. Sam Jackson says:

    Hmm, University Business had an article about student / university blogging in this month’s issue… interesting piece.

    I uh, like Jess’ blog? Woo MITblogs.