EA Deadline by Matt McGann '00
November 1 is the Early Action deadline.
The postmark/submission deadline for Early Action is tonight! How is everyone doing? Not too stressed out, I hope?
While you’re working on finishing the application, we’re working on filing the applications. Today, the Admissions Officers had a “mail opening party.” In reality, it wasn’t much of a party, but the title at least made the task of opening envelopes seem more fun. We are now receiving a deluge of mail each day, buckets upon buckets of pieces of your applications to be opened, sorted, and filed.
The process of receiving your applications takes time. First, for the pieces that come via snail mail, we have to open the envelopes, make sure that the different pieces are stapled together, make sure everything has your name and birthdate on it, etc. Then, each application piece has to be entered into the database and tracking system. Next, things are alphabetized, and then entered into the application folder. Only after your folder is complete do we run an admissions summary card and send your entire case to the admissions staff for review. At peak times, it can take a week or more to complete all of these steps. The mail is also slow, so please allow upwards of two weeks from the time an application piece is mailed to the time that it appears on your tracking system.
It is also important to note that we do not need to have your scores in our hands by the deadline. In fact, we will accept scores from this weekend’s SAT administration (Nov. 4) for Early Action. If you have taken October of November tests, don’t worry about not being able to list these scores on your Part 2. I assure you that we will receive these scores, and then will use your best scores. Also, please note that you should not rush scores to us. We will receive your scores in plenty of time to be considered for early action decisions if you send them to us via the normal method.
We will continue to accept pieces of your application even after the deadline. So, don’t worry if your teacher hasn’t yet sent their recommendation yet (though encourage them to do so as soon as possible!), or if your interviewer hasn’t yet met with you (though, again, do so as soon as possible). And, if you need to send us an update, we can also accept it after the deadline.
For those of you who have already submitted your application, how are you spending your deadline night? And, for those of you working to submit your application tonight, how is it going? I wish you all the best!
I submitted my application the other day. It felt great.
Ah, I submitted my application last weekend. Submitting it was very scary but it feels so nice to not have to worry about the deadline
Instead I get to spend the night doing homework! Whoo!
I sent in my application on Saturday, so now I am ridiculing my friends who are working to the last minute… (and helping edit essays too, i’m not THAT mean)
No matter what I do, the formatting on the PDF file gets messed up. I am getting ] in place of ” and deletion of my EM dashes. I do not want to alter the essay for the format, so should I send a copy in by mail.
Will you guys understand what is going on?
I actually submitted my application quite a while ago, but sent in a supplement or two.
Anyway, lets see.. I don’t have much homework tonight, so I’ve been working on programming a Real Time Strategy in C++ & making use of OpenGL. Here’s an old screenshot, just so you can get an idea of the style.. http://www.geocities.com/ajbasic/rts.png ..Yep, all scribbled in paint.
I was controlling the blue team, notice the fog of war.. I’ve improved the game considerably since, but I don’t have a good screenshot right now. Anyway, I’ve since added a resource collection system, the ability to build buildings and units, a fairly nice AI, and a GUI. Its actually starting to come together now, so I’m very happy.
Aside from that, just reading. I enjoy reading these blogs (thanks for the post, Matt), as well as too much HowStuffWorks and Wikipedia.
Well, good luck with admissions, Matt. I suppose the next month is going to be quite busy for you. But at least you get to read about the lives of so many interesting people! Hopefully that will help relieve some of the monotony.
Finally, a question. What happens if an application is reviewed, and then an extra piece of information about the student is recieved? (An extra letter of recommendation or some other piece of supplemental material) Is the student partially reconsidered? Just curious, in case I do something particularly interesting between now and December.
Thank you for your time,
I don’t even know wat im doing here. im a high school sophomore, buti just felt like looking around to see the smart kids in mit and also how to get into mit… admissions sound hard…im scared…
Allllllllllllllllllllmost done!
Hi Matt!
Well, I’m spending my deadline night reading your (the blogging staff) blogs ( I do this everynight now looking up things I didn’t know about MIT, reading last year’s blogs etc..). It helps ease the stress of “I hope I’ll get accepted.”
Have a good evening yourself!
I just submitted my application, and I’m not quite sure what to think yet… There was a disappointing lack of finality when I clicked the “submit” button – no trumpets, no fanfare, no “are you *sure* you’re done?” dialog.
Well, no worries – I have a full physics p set to keep me occupied.
Oof! It’s been a whole year already, huh? Oh gosh… exciiiiiiiiitement!
*sigh* putting the final touches on my essays and Part 2 stuff. I’m tired, and having difficulty focusing. ugh. When this is in, I’m just going to collapse in a heap and not even look at another even remotely college-related piece of paper or website for a good week or so.
Wow . . . I can’t believe it’s been a year since I sent in my application. Good luck to prospective ’11s!
So close…yet so far away. Good luck to all the other MIT hopefuls :D
ahh i submitted it a bit earlier today. it felt good. reaaaaaalll good. =)
now… back to work!
Phew. It’s submitted. After hours of toil on the application, it’s submitted.
Now, all I need to worry about is whether or not my recommendations get stuck in limbo, or if my interview is ever recognized. Looks like I’ll have to fill out that special form, since it has been about two weeks since then…
I hope MIT chooses me. I hope to find solace in this blog in the coming month…
I need some ice cream. Now.
Good luck to everyone else who waited until the last minute to press that submit button!!
Well, it’s been a strenuous (but fun) time putting our applications together. Good luck to all propective ’11ers!
How will ya’ll know if our folder is complete? For example, if we have supplementary things coming in (extra rec and art portfolio), is there a way of making sure those arrive before the folder is tagged ‘complete’?
Wow. Maybe we should have an applicant-pool blog.
Yay for regular action…
i submitted a few weeks ago, but now that the deadline has basically past i don’t know what to think. is now the time to relax or should i start worrying all over again?
Wow, it’s nice to see everyone feeling the same things I am, from relief to nervousness to craving ice cream. Almost ready to click that submit button…and then it’s time to focus on Beowulf and molecular genetics.
I’ve worked on this thing for two and a half months now.
My English teacher made it an assignment for the class; he gave us the University of California questions, but if we wanted to apply to another school, we had to give him the questions in advance.
So I’m just looking over my application right now. Is anyone just TIRED of it? Staring at the same thing for two and a half months isn’t great, especially after not seeing very many changes after the second draft.
Well, I am going to hit the submit button now… in 3, 2, 1…
*holds breath, turns blue, faints*
omgosh…i submitted mine a few weeks ago too, but it’s hard to believe we might be in on December 15th. Good luck to everyone, hope to meet you next year!
Any idea whether or not decisions will be available online?
A comment about the lack of fanfare. . . .there was a lack of fanfare, lol. I was expecting at least 4 “Are you sure?!?!?!” windows before I actually submitted, but nope! No warning, no nothing, just a check box on the tracking list. Kurazy!
Also, Jack, I have to say that I’m not tired of the MIT application at all. Matter of opinion, but I started filling it out the hour it came out and have been proofing ever since. I like it especially since I’ve started to look at the online apps at other colleges (ew!!!!) and the common app (EW!!!!!). The check boxes are nice, getting to save the PDF instead of having it open in a new window is nice (dial-up friendly), and the colors are cool, I like the colors.
I read my essays everyday during school to proof them and never get tire of them, which I find odd, maybe it means they’re good? That would be nice!
Good luck everybody, hopefully everybody here that posted is part of the 10%-12% admitted. December 15th, here we come, but a more pressing date is definitely November 19th. Fanboys unite, hail the Wii.
Goodnight, and good luck.
I agree with Michael about the MIT application – I love it! The common app is horrible. (RPI’s online app isn’t so bad, though.)
I’m about to click submit. Just came to remind myself of what my dream school’s like again and to convince myself it was all worth it…
You know it’ll be really cool if we’re allowed to edit and resubmit parts of our app for RD. Anyone know if this is allowed?
I sent in Parts I and II about a week ago, but I just sent in supplemental material via fax, is there anyway I can get confirmation that MIT received the supplemental material since it won’t be on the application tracking, or will it?
Good luck to all the procrastinators! For once I really didn’t procrastinate since I had all required parts in before today. Instead I get to stay up to write my AP Chemistry Lab, yay!
My account was locked because i tried to log in with my old password. What should i do? Will my application be affected?
Just a clarification, and hoping I don’t sound too lost in this whole admissions thing — where do I find the conducted interview form???
Phewww!! I sent in my applications at 2 a.m. today, Pacific Term, and immediately fell into the best sleep I’ve had for a loooooong time.
But damn, I have to get back to my English essays now, essays just dont stop coming.
I think I’m going to check myMIT account next, and admire at the checkmarks for 10 minutes.
Phewww!! I sent in my applications at 2 a.m. today, Pacific Time, and immediately fell into the best sleep I’ve had for a loooooong time.
But damn, I have to get back to my English essays now, essays just dont stop coming.
I think I’m going to check myMIT account next, and admire at the checkmarks for 10 minutes.
It’s…gone. Wow. For so long, college has been some sort of hazy future that didn’t really exist…but now I’ve actually *applied to college*.
Oh, MIT, why are you so great? Well, not much I can do now except wait for mid-December!
I submitted at 11:59
…. Whooo…. Now I wait, I guess…
yaaaay….just finished!
I submitted my application about an hour ago after rereading my essays for the past week or so. But now I’m extremely scared. MIT is my dream school and I’m afraid of getting crushed by a denial!
I submitted my application about an hour ago after rereading my essays for the past week or so. But now I’m extremely scared. MIT is my dream school and I’m afraid of getting crushed by a denial!
<3s out to MIT and good luck to everyone who applied EA.
I wonder who submitted it later, me or Ben.
I submitted it at 11:59 (EST) as well.
Maybe I shouldn’t proofread the application so many times that I almost miss the deadline…
Good luck fellow applicants!
Aside from Ben and Anon., did anyone else finish at 11:59? Cuz I sure did!
Fan-freakin-tastic. Now I get to finish applying for 5 other colleges. :rollseyes:
I submitted everything on Sunday and it feels great to be done, but I have to study like mad for the SAT II on Saturday. Also, my application checklist often won’t appear even after I’m logged on. Too much strain on the server?
ALMOST DONE!!! my essays exceed the marks… cant get them all perfect 500!
last year i read most of the entries on a similar blog and found myself wishing i could say the same.
Now I can. It’s gone. It’s gone. It’s gone.
Spending my time on the SAT’s last minute prep. They all got scrubbed last time when I was ready to leave for the city where I’ll give my test. And my master plan was ruined. (Sigh!!!)
Its ALMOST DONE!!! with 30 minutes to spare!
DNAG!!! My Essays were this close to being accepted… I had to cut and slug at the last minute!! their alittle choppy but, I think i kept enough info!!
All MIT HOPEFULLS!!! Grab your MINT CHIP!! And sail TO MARS!!!
My Treet!!!
Submitted at 11:50!!
Faxed. Thanks
(Takes a must needed, sleep deprived sigh of relief) Even after sending in my application, just coming to the reality that the deadline has passed is in itself as refreshing as having a brief moment of relaxation upon the time of completion. Now to play the waiting game. Hearing of my good friends already being accepted to some prestigious schools heightens my anticipation as a MIT hopeful. Good luck to all the other ’11ers.
What, you mean it’s already been a year since I sent mine in?
When did that happen?
Wow. I’m really glad I scheduled an overnight before the decisions are mailed out, because I think I’m already starting to go through MIT withdrawl and I need a dose of beavery-goodness to hold me over. Like, the minute I pressed “Submit,” I felt like I had given away a small child. Just going through the day today, I felt so separated from my future, because now there’s nothing I can do but WAIT. I don’t know how I’ll ever make it to December 15th!
Hope everyone gets a nice meaty envelope in December!
Well my deadline night has been very stressful! I must have read over my application at least seven times to make sure that everything was filled in correctly ( call me paranoid!!!). And now I just cannot wait until I receive a decision in December! I hope that it will be a good one!
I’ve been working on my application since the DAY it was available on the MIT admissions website. I finally submitted the app on October 31 at about 5 PM. It was realllllly difficult to let go of it… I continuously clicked “preview.”
AVI: My essay in pdf form was a little messed up as well. Some of my quotations were randomely deleted. It wasn’t that big of a deal for me, but I called admissions anyway, and they said email them a copy of the essay if you’d like.
GO ’11S GO
Is the deadline midnight Boston time or midnight where I am?
haha thanks, that really answered my question :D
You could have fun and put up a countdown timer, and then have the site crash at about T -5! But thats if you realy want to get us nervous.
Back to application……
A question: I know 3 essays should be plenty, but I found there was more I wanted to say. Is it okay to submit an essay as supplementary material?
WHOOO! This is wonderful. I have already turned in my application and everything has a check mark beside it (except for the mid year report). I’m so glad that I don’t have to stay up late tonight and scurry before the deadline. Although, I did want to ask you, Matt, what type of flowers/cookies do you like best and where should I send them?
Happy Application Sorting!
Around 2, I officially was done. In 1.5 months my small life will be changed forever… crazy.
I completed my interview weeks ago, but it still isn’t posted in my application tracking. Should I be worried?
Anonymous – Matt has an entire blog entry about supplemental materials. You should read it, but in summary of it, supp mat’s are fine.
Kyle – There’s an “Interview Conducted” form that you should have filled out the second week after your interview was conducted and you didn’t see a check. Now would be a good time to fill out that form.
Well the day of my deadline was nerve breaking! I think I reread my application at least 7 times to make sure it was right!(call me paranoid!) I just wanted to be sure and not overlook anything….anyways I was nervous, although my nerves ahve calmed down. I cannot wait until Dec 9, so that I can view the good/ bad/ not so good news! I hope for the best!
Hey everyone
I didn’t feel like reading through all the comments so i don’t know if my question is already answered.
My college counseling office sent both my teacher recs and the school report in one package to MIT; however, on MIT’s tracking page, everything but the second teacher evaluation is checked. Am I supposed to be worried?
Talk about last minute! Or rather, Write about last minute! “If it weren’t for the last minute, nothing would ever get done.” – Murphy’s Law
Dear all
You can only control the work you did nothing else … yes nothing else… you’ve given your best … so why make yourself feel uncomfortable by worrying etc. detaching oneself from an action performed is as important as performing well.. Best of luck to all those who applied early
I am an international student…. but I know when i’ll apply i won’t worry. because anxiety just reduces your ability to perform well!
So, I thought I had submitted my application a couple of minutes before midnight. But, when I just checked on my app, it says that I submitted it Nov. 2, 2006. Will I be getting an automatic deferral?
hey Matt , just wanted to know something. My Math teacher is also the Principal of the school. So is it ok if I ask him to fill the Teacher Evaluation A form as well as the Secondary School Report ?
Oh God… reading this stuff just makes me more nervous, like I probably missed something on my application or didn’t turn something in that I was supposed to.. AAAAH! This is sooo nerve racking. Well, hope everything comes out all right. And, how long after the deadline would you accept supplement stuff??
Answer to the q about the conducted interview form!!
Its in my.mit.edu..when you go to the application checklist… on the left hand side their is a link for online application tracking…and you click on the link and you scroll down to your interview section where there is a link for the conducted interview form
Good luck to everyone on getting in!
I submitted voice and clarinet supplements to the audition e-mail. I haven’t gotten a confirmation e-mail back yet, which isn’t terribly concerning because of the volume of work you are all doing right now. But I was just wondering if I will get one eventually or if it will show up in my my.mit account? I just want to make sure the e-mail was received.
I have an important question regarding GPA. My school calculates a GPA based on 4.0 scale. I want to know if MIT uses this GPA as the official GPA in admissions decisions, OR, it calculates a GPA in its own way regardless of the high school’s GPA system.
By the way, my school considers a cumulative academic average of 80% or above as a GPA of 4.0 (or Grade “A”); 70-79% as 3.0 (or Grade “B”) and so on.
So, we’re all excited about MIT, but is anyone kind of sad as well? I know I am; leaving high school to go 1500 miles away. All of my friends will be gone, well, except one who’s at MIT. Oh well, hope for the best, but expect the worst and you’ll never be disappointed. =)
Sad? Sad! Dont be sad, get glad! You’re going to get an education that means something, rather than sitting in highschool and wishing the teacher knew what he/she was talking about.
So, uhh, does anyone know for sure what day in Dec. we can check our status (Admitted, Denied, Deferred)? Or if we can even check online?
Good luck to all EA applicants!!
One question: How will you be looking at the writing section of the SAT this year?
I sent in my application earlier too, like many of you, and I feel better knowing that there are others who sat for a FULL TEN MINUTES staring at the BEAUTIFUL checks, all lined up in a neat row, *sigh*-so perfect. Now my life is in limbo until Dec. 15!
But I agree- 2 years ago, the responses (hopefully acceptance!) were sent via snail mail. Someone’s blog said that they were sent my internet last year. Are they doing the same thing this year? cuz noone mentioned it and noone answered CJ with the same question yet. Just wondering! I can’t think about anything else. And that sophomore who didn’t know why they were on here: it’s cuz MIT Rocks and OF COURSE you dream about it!
Hey Matt,
I just had a quick question on the application. I marked Math Level II as my subject test for party II, but I also ended up taking Math level I on the November administration of the test (circumstances). Will MIT only look at the score that I specified on the application, or will they look at the one that makes me look better? As I understand it, you recieve all of the scores from the College Board.
How can we figure out if our supplemental materials have been received? Can we call the admissions office?
Approximately how long does it take to hear an admissions decision?
Hi Matt. Just wondering, how will the score of the SAT Writing section be used in evaluating applicants?
im a student frm india…still in grade 12th and
in the middle of my coursework…the postmark deadline for RA is 1stjan and u say dat v must comlete all the standardized testing requirements before december…how can i appear for the subject tests without going thru the entire course..im really perplexed ….havent made ne significant progress with regards to this testing thing since the day i applied…im registered for the toefl do i still need to take the math n science subject tests??????
reply asap
I’m another applicant so I may not know what I’m talking about, but if I were you, I’d email [email protected] with your question. I’m pretty sure you still have to do the subject tests though, I have an international applicant friend and that’s what she did. A tip though- the subject tests aren’t as hard as some full-year classes, so you may already know the material.
Dear Matt,
Please do respond to the query that I had sent you in an Email.
Yours truly,
Nov 18, 2006.
hi Matt!
I am an international student and due to diverse circumstances the teachers that wrote my recommendations gave them to me, and not in a sealed envelope, the same is true for the high school report, will that present a problem with my application? I really hope that it wont, because there is nothing I can do to change that, considering I am in another country…
and another question: I read that you have a minimum TOEFL score… but do you have a minimum TWE score? because I think I did quite well in the TOEFL, but I am not so sure of the essay…
hope you will answer soon!!! and good luck to all the EA applicants!!!
Hi Matt,
I’m from China and have been in US for one year, I came here after my sophomore year, but since juniors should take their the SAT test and I was not quite ready for it, so they put me in 10th grade last year. I’m a junior now and will graduate in 2008.
Two months ago (I believe)I asked you if I could take TOEFL+two SAT subject tests instead of SAT I+two SAT subject tests, your answer was yes, but I’m not sure if it’s still okey for me to do that after I stay here for almost a year and a half( I’m going to take TOEFL next summer).
And onthe website it doesn’t say how many years of foreign language are recommended, I have only two years of Chinese(in my HS in China). So do you think I have to take another two years of Chinese? Or should I take SAT subject test for Chinese to prove my ability in Chinese?
Thanks for your time!!!
Oops, more question. My transcript from China looks just so-so(because…you might know how hard our classes are) and totally I got 3 Bs. But the grades I got after I came here are really good. You can tell the difference. So do you think they will kill me? And also on the form of Self-reported course work, should I put “L level” on subjects I took in China? Or put “O” as other and explain. Because when Cy-Fair HS evaluated my transcript they just put L level for everything I got from China, but you know they are harder than K level. What should I do?
Oops, more question. My transcript from China looks just so-so(because…you might know how hard our classes are) and totally I got 3 Bs. But the grades I got after I came here are really good. You can tell the difference. So do you think they will kill me? And also on the form of Self-reported course work, should I put “L level” on subjects I took in China? Or put “O” as other and explain. Because when Cy-Fair HS evaluated my transcript they just put L level for everything I got from China, but you know they are harder than K level. What should I do?
when do Regular action applicants get to know ur decision…?..n the ones on the waiting list?…when our tests on our complete course material are taken in jan..which would be after i’ve sent n my application…lcan we send are grade updates?…/email it..or mail an official report?…n updates of other achievments?
Thanks for the info!