EA Update: App Tracking & More by Matt McGann '00
All of the mail has been processed, and MyMIT Application Tracking is up-to-date.
The Records Office has processed all application components received for EA applicants; the current status of your application is now shown on your MyMIT application tracking.
This is a good time for you to check up on the status of your application components. The Application Tracking will show what materials we have processed for you. We should have the following: Application Part 1, Application Part 2, Secondary School Report and Transcript, Evaluation A (math or science teacher), Evaluation B (humanities teacher), Testing Requirements (except November scores, which we expect to receive shortly), and, if applicable, Interview Report.
What happens if the tracking system is missing something?
First, do not worry. We do not assign blame on why we don’t have it, we just know that we have not processed it. We will not look at your application unfavorably because it is missing an application component at this time. We will wait a while longer before having it evaluated to give you time to send along another copy. Your complete application will be considered for Early Action.
If the tracking system on MyMIT indicates that we are still missing parts of your application, fax your materials to 617-258-8304 as soon as possible, but no later than this Monday, November 23rd. Please allow 48 hours to process your documents. Thank you for your patience.
If we are missing an evaluation, the teacher may fax a copy to us. If they need another copy of the evaluation form, you can get a PDF from the tracking system.
If you had an interview more than two weeks ago and we haven’t yet processed it, you should fill out the Conducted Interview form on the MyMIT Application Tracking Detail page. We will follow up with your Educational Counselor.
If we have not processed standardized test scores that that you had the testing agency send us, then you may fax us a copy of an official score report. We will follow up with the testing agency. If we are missing your TOEFL scores, make sure the name on your application is exactly the same as it is on your TOEFL registration. If it is not, please send us an email with your TOEFL registration name.
I know that the Midyear Report box is sitting there, unchecked. Don’t worry about this unless you are deferred from EA to RA. This form will not be made available until well after EA decisions are released. And on that note…
…we have not yet determined on what date we will release EA decisions. It will likely be sometime in mid-December, but you should wait for an official announcement from our office. We have not yet determined when the announcement will be made; it usually is about a week before decisions are released.
Bottom line: do not stress if we are missing pieces. It happens every year for reasons usually beyond your control. No worries.
Thanks, Matt!
I’m glad all my boxes are checked!
How can we check the status of supplemental materials (an extra recommendation or a scientific abstract)? Should we call?
is it bad that I don’t see a checklist? when i go to the tracking page it says everything is processed, but my checklist poofed from the myMIT dashboard a few weeks ago. I don’t think it’s big deal but do say something if it is.
And now we wait…
have the number of EA apps increased or decreased compared to last year?
Now the long waiting process begins, and I’m still waiting for SAT Nov scores to come out so MIT doesn’t have to judge me on my horrible May scores
Thanks Matt
It’s nice seeing that long list that says “Processed” all the way down (except mid-year report). It’s very fulfilling.
And Liz, I never see the checklist unless I use Firefox instead of Chrome, so it might just be your browser.
@texan: I would assume that the number of applicants has once more increased, given that the prevailing trend for the past while has been a study increase in the number of applicants. I believe the peak for the bubble is in about 2 years, give or take a little bit.
@Sawyer: That’s odd – I only see the actual checkbox list on the home screen for MyMIT in IE7, it doesn’t load right in firefox. I looked under the hood for a while [and kudos to the coders, your code is very pretty], but I wasn’t able to find a quick explanation, so I just shrugged and accepted the difference.
@Liz/Sawyer/Elias – Strange. Shows up fine in both Safari and Firefox for me.
And now the waiting commences (or continues)!
If one of my evaluation letters isn’t processed, how can I figure out if my supplemental recommendations have been received?
Thanks guys
Checklist used to show up in firefox, but now it doesn’t (only browser I use). I don’t think it matters – the more detailed page shows everything as processed.
But I kind of like checkmarks so I’m wondering.
HI, collegeboard website indicated that my SAT subject test scores were sent on November 6th. I dont know why MIT has not processed them.
@Elias (14?) – commonly yes i would believe that but the fact that the MIT admissions committee originally had set the date to completely process all the app components was the 21st of november (it still says that on the MyMIT tracking system) but apparently they got done several days earlier so maybe they might have less if they got done earlier than expected.
I sent my November SAT II scores to MIT when I signed up for the test. However, the College Board website doesn’t show this particular score send in my history of sent scores yet; is this the case for anyone else? They also say that online delivery of scores to colleges will occur on November 24th, should I wait until before I worry about faxing scores to the school?
The checkbox works for me in both Chrome and IE (school’s computer… not mine. *shudder*).
@Paul D: Check your email!
@Liz: All EA Applicants with the preferred name “Liz” have submitted all of their required application components. Great work, Liz’s of the world!
@Truong: It can take two or more weeks after College Board tells you they’ve been sent, for us to receive them. Who knows why? We get batches of scores quiite frequently, and your October scores will be in quite shortly, for sure.
-McGreggor (MIT Admissions)
@McGreggor: Thank you a lot.
Could you answer one more question?
Because English is my second language and I’ve been in the US for only 1 year, I took the TOEFL to provide you the information about my English proficiency. However, when I took the test in Vietnam, I used a name order different from the name appearing on other parts of my application: the name I used for TOEFL is Truong Nguyen Phuoc Pham while the legal name I used for the application is Phuoc Truong Nguyen Pham.
When the TOEFL score arrives, will you be able to match it with my application?
To further clarify, when I say “sent the scores when I signed up for the test,” I mean that I indicated that MIT should be one of the schools to receive my scores using one of the 4 free score send waivers.
@Truong: Check your email!
Checklist shows up in Firefox only if you log in, but doesn’t if you’re already logged in when you navigate to the pages.
I love the admission straight answers to our questions. Could we ever see a photo or visual tour of the admissions world?
Should IB certificate and AP scores show up along with the SAT scores in the standardized tests area?
I would think they count as standardized, but so far I’ve only seen comments mentioning SAT and TOEFL scores. I would like to know, so I know whether to fax my IB and AP scores in, thanks!
Wow, and I almost forgot how concerned I was about this last year, hahahah.
Hello! I indicated that I would take my SAT Math 2 requirement in November, so that required test score should arrive when the Nov test scores are appropriate. Is it okay that my “test requirements” slot is still blank, even though it should be completed by the time you receive my Nov SAT Math subject score?
Also… a few changes have been modified in my application since I submitted it. How can I go about updating it?
@McGreggor – good to know :] my preferred name’s not really Liz though. I just skulk around the internet with it. :]
I wish I could have applied EA so I can know my admission status sooner! damn!
A few days ago, my school’s guidance department realized that their grading system had messed up all of the GPAs and class ranks (Something that I TRIED to point our to them over a month ago…), so any students that had applied EA places had the wrong transcripts sent out. The head of our guidance department told us that fixed transcripts along with a message explaining the problem were sent out yesterday. How will I know if this is received?
Thanks for all the help!!
student teacher ratio is about 6 to 1. More about faculty here: http://www.mitadmissions.org/topics/pulse/faculty_at_mit/index.shtml
Thanks so much Matt.
This is where MIT shows its difference from other schools…we can ask all kinds of questions and you make us feel comfortable doing it. And we get the answers right away.
This feels great! =)
If my teacher faxes the missing evaluation and I do not see the checklist “completed” in within 48 hours, what should I do?
We’re both a little frustrated since she sent the evaluation out in mid-October. I have awful luck, and I think the letter got lost in the mail. I hope it all works out this time (and the fax machine at school doesn’t break down or something…>Hi,
If my teacher faxes the missing evaluation and I do not see the checklist “completed” in within 48 hours, what should I do?
We’re both a little frustrated since she sent the evaluation out in mid-October. I have awful luck, and I think the letter got lost in the mail. I hope it all works out this time (and the fax machine at school doesn’t break down or something…><).
Even though my question has nothing to do with the EA app tracking, I just wanted to ask you this — What is the student teacher ratio in general at MIT?
I have been wanting to know that for long now … So big Thanks for helping:)
Thanks Matt
You guys always make us feel a little more relaxed by giving us frequent updates about our application status.
And…everything is in order. Time to play probably the most important waiting game of my life thus far!
@ Sarah (’14?)
I’ve got the same symptom. My AP scores were sent by phone a month ago and never made their way into the Standardized Tests zone. I don’t know if this is normal behavior or not, since I submitted an art portfolio and that never got a checkbox either. . . Thus I am a fellow seeker of counsel from the admissions gurus that roam this blog. . .
@ Sarah (14′) and Irrationally Over-Confident (’14, markedly missing a question mark),
I sent in my AP scores about 4/5 months ago and I am pretty sure they are not supposed to show up in the Standardized test section. My scores, as well as your scores, probably arived but do not show up in the section. Maybe this is because AP scores ane not required? I’m not sure, but I’m sure MIT processed all of our scores.
@ anonymous
The November scores arn’t supposed to show up in the send score histroy at College Board until the scores come out
I read one of your earlier blogs about EA, “EA Deadline: Your Questions” and in one of the responses, you said that we can finalize our research in November before sending in the abstract. Can I still do this even though I didn’t check the box in the application Part 2 section?
Hey mnk. See you at MIT next year.
I’m gonna go to MIT!
@nmk(’14): Aren’t we all…
I’m wondering the same thing about AP scores. Do you require AP scores to be sent directly from collegeboard or is it ok to just list them on the app?
Wow, this is so nerve-wracking…for all of us, probably. All my classmates tell me I’ll get in, but it scares me because I KNOW my totally-strong-in-the-humanities profile is a bit different from the stereotypical MIT-er…and while I love math/science more than anything and I’ve got top marks in those classes, timed math tests make me freak out so my SAT/ACT math scores are lower than my English/Reading (because those subjects are so durned easy!). Please someone else tell me they have the same problem!! I’m so scared my app sounds like a lost-on-the-internet liberal arts student’s :(
@Amethyst: I’m kind of in the same position. I have gotten all A’s (two-ish A-‘s) in my humanities classes, and I have taken two humanities AP’s (Gov and Lit). However, I have earned some lower grades in my math and science classes (four-ish A-‘s and one B+… the rest A’s).
I don’t think you can really blame yourself for being excellent in the humanities. MIT values diversity, from what I hear.
Don’t worry… it’ll all work out in the end.
If we submitted a music supplement, how do we know if the office has received it?
My Evaluation A still hasn’t shown up and I sent it in October and around October 23rd it was signed for as having reached MIT and my teacher faxed it again last Thursday.
Do I need to re-fax it Monday?
All the boxes used to be checked for me a while ago, and now all of a sudden it appears Evaluation B went missing. Should I panic?
Yeah, I’m in the same position. I am extremely strong in the humanities. I’m not weak in the sciences, but I haven’t done nearly as much in them, to put it mildly… I think it’s simultaneously worrying and encouraging – on the one hand, we’re going to MIT for science, right? So, you would think that they want to see heavy sciences…On the other hand, it makes us more “well rounded” in our education, and perhaps it will make us stand out in a positive manner…I’ve been trying not to worry about it, since I can’t change it, and probably wouldn’t change it if I had to do it over
With that said, mid-December can’t come soon enough
Hi! Long time, no chat
You do robotics, right? I would think that counts for something in the science department…
do EA decisions come out dec. 15th? and do tubes come that day too, or just online info?
When will we be notified about Early admissions?
the Nov SAT scores came out yesterday. I know I for sure checked MIT as one of the score recipients on collegeboard. but, on the MIT tracking page, it has not shown up. does it take a while for MIT to process those scores or do I need to send the scores again?
Usually Collegeboard sends scores electronically and the colleges may even receive scores before you do.
Is it too late to send my Nov. SAT scores as an EA applicant?
Hello Matt,
I’ve applied from Pakistan as a Regular Decision applicant. The package my school mailed contained the two evaluations and the School Report. In my MIT dashboard I can only see Evaluation A and Secondary School Report as processed. Evaluation B is still unchecked. Should I be worried and sending it AGAIN?
I have applied as a regular applicant but it is stated on the testing requirement that I have enlist MIT as school if I take January test date. But at collegeboard I cant find such thing where I can do that. Please suggest me how do I do that and take January SAT test date.
Thank You..
I have applied as a regular applicant but it is stated on the testing requirement that I have to enlist MIT as school if I take January test date. But at collegeboard I cant find such thing where I can do that. Please suggest me how do I do that and take January SAT test date.
Thank You..
I have applied as a regular applicant but it is stated on the testing requirement that I have to enlist MIT as school if I take January test date. But at collegeboard I cant find such thing where I can do that. Please suggest me how do I do that and take January SAT test date.
Thank You..