Elephants? by Ben Jones
I see a lot of weird stuff around here.
Well, you don’t see this every day.
10 elephants cruised down Mass Ave and turned left onto Memorial Drive, parading right past Killian Court.
I’m waiting for someone to put one on the dome.
Coming soon: my first question/answer thread!
You just wait, if I get accepted, I will have my own personalized ladder to the top of the dome by the end of freshmen year, and my own personalzied elevator by the end of senior year.
How do you move a mountain? One rock at a time.
I think this needs to be a caption contest, don’t you? (Welcome back, Ben!)
“Having been ridiculed to a great extent by the people of the United States, Ann Coulter marches against the liberal Boston colleges with her only remaining supporters from the Republican Party.”
oh wow…lol…nice one timur!
Why, thank you.
http://hcs.harvard.edu/~gop/ (Is anything additional neccesary?)
-Robb Carr
Hehe. Well, Mrs. Coulter is a Cornell graduate, which is in fact one of the places where Bryan Nance used to work before he came to MIT.
Although it’s scary to think of anyone with a good education as willingly ignorant as she is.
– Timur
Oh no Timur, I was not making any comments on that. I was just thinking of a possible different caption.
“Members of the Harvard Republican club visit MIT to cross-register for courses”
Haha! I like that. :D
Yeah man Saad really sorry for all the loss.
Here in India too lot of devastation was caused in Kashmir..but in Pakistan its a havoc..Just watched the latest news the death toll has crossed 35000.
Actually here it was 8th of october and we were in the middle of our SAT II exam when the quake happened.That sort of caused some nervousness in some the test takers though (not me by gods grace my test went well).I dont know…but all these disasters is sort of like nature wants to tell us something (ya know first Katrina then Rita then this quake).
And Ben the Q&A thing sounds cool.
Hi everyone,
I am sorry for this off topic post but I think its more important to get the message across,
On Saturday, October 9, a massive earthquake hit the northern and central areas of pakistan, the worst in the country’s history and the 4th most devastating in the year 2005, killing above 25,000 (twenty five thousand thats expected to rise even more) and affecting more than 43,000 people overall. The country is in a state of terrible disaster and trauma and we need a lot of help from the whole world,
The Pakistani Students association at MIT, PAKSMIT, is collecting donations and manage any sort of ways to help and trying to organize relief dinners etc,
I wish we can all unite at this time of worry, when we have been struck by Tsunamis, Katrina, and now this earthquake!
lol those elephants remind me of India where they aren’t so organized. I rode on an elephant for like 200 rupees that’s 4 bucks!!!
And still you overpaid Merudh.Coz in more rural places one ride costs what lik Rs.50 to free.