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MIT student blogger Kirsten L. '15

Everyday I’m Trufflin’ by Kirsten L. '15

But not really since it takes 4 hours

IAP stands for many things.
For those people just chilling on campus, It’s A Party.
For those people taking 2 classes, UROPing, and working, It’s A Pain.
For Chris M. ’12, It’s Amazing Pterodactyl.

For me, I think it’s in between a party and a pain. Maybe something like a picnic? It requires some work, but is generally relaxing and fun. Additionally, my plans are greatly dictated by what weather Mother Nature decides she wants to have in Boston that day. Who knew it snowed in Boston?? (Just kidding everyone… don’t worry!)

One of the best things about IAP is that you never know what you’ll be doing at any given moment of the day. You can decide to spontaneously bake delicious bread or watch a movie or venture into Boston to get some froyo, then you can walk around campus and find some neat thing happening that you join in on. Essentially… IAP is a beautiful thing.

One of my favorite things that I’ve done over IAP is make truffles!
The Laboratory for Chocolate Sciences at MIT is a student run group that offers these amazing chocolate truffle making classes every IAP. As you can imagine, the truffle making process is extremely messy, so it was a little hard to take pictures of the steps along the way…. BUT my partner in crime Preeti ’15 managed to grab a nice shot of our pumpkin spice and vanilla truffles.

Drooling yet?

9 responses to “Everyday I’m Trufflin’”

  1. T says:

    sitting here drooling wink

  2. Barbara says:


  3. Kirsten L. '15 says:

    Sorry about that. Despite common misconceptions… we MIT students are still human wink We make mistakes sometimes too!

  4. dawg says:

    That preeti person seems pretty cool

  5. Guilherme L Wanderley says:

    @Kirsten L. Yea, I was surprised to find it out! :O I was like “that word must have changed.”

  6. Nilanjan says:

    Laboratory for chocolate sciences??? I am hungry!!! Although I have just finished my dinner!

  7. Guilherme Wanderley says:

    omG, you guys have a “Labratory” for Chocolate Sciences?! Is there anything that you guys doesn’t have?! :OO

    But seriously, there’s a typo there ;P Sorry if it offended, it’s just a joke ;PP

  8. Shuai says:

    chocolate ??The more I see of the more he like cheese.

  9. Nilanjan says:

    How much per plate?