February(ish) Updates and Notes by Taylor V. '19
aka my life in photos and haikus
Hello, everyone! It’s been a while since I last posted. Here are two photos that accurately summarize my current state of existence:

The photos are in this order because we are student-athletes, not athlete-students.
The top photo is a week in the life of Junior spring. I’m currently in 5-ish classes (3 12-unit classes, a 9-unit, and a 6-unit). I think it’s starting to settle down a bit now, but the initial jump from IAP to “SURPRISE you have classes and psets and labs and tests again” was a rough transition this year. Plus some of my classes are “frontloading”, which apparently means that they can give you five assignments a week as long as they promise it will become easier later (looking at you, 2.671). At times, it feels like a never-ending stream of due dates and internal (sometimes external) screaming. Overall though, I’m super happy with my schedule! Here’s each class with a summary, in haiku form:
2.671: Measurement and Instrumentation
Much more than rulers
MechE’s must measure all things
And make pretty graphs
MechE’s must measure all things
And make pretty graphs
2.006: Thermo and Fluid Dynamics II
Heat, flow, and pressure
Are all important for us
When we build cool things.
Are all important for us
When we build cool things.
17.395: Innovation Systems
How can the U. S.
Help innovation in tech.?
Let’s talk about it.
Help innovation in tech.?
Let’s talk about it.
6.0001: Introduction to Python
Six triple O fun
Is brainwashing you to join
The cult of Course 6
Is brainwashing you to join
The cult of Course 6
2.065: Acoustics and Sensing
Waves waves waves waves waves
Plane waves, resonance, wavelength, waves
Wave waves waves waves waves
Plane waves, resonance, wavelength, waves
Wave waves waves waves waves
Wow, that was a ride. If you’re still reading this, you’re a true fan. <3
Now on to the athlete part. This past week has featured some pretty amazing basketball. We entered the postseason conference tournament seeded #5 (out of 7), and played games on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. In the end, we exited with the first women’s basketball conference title in MIT history!
This is what it felt like:
As I write this, I’m riding a bus to Rochester, NY for the first round of the NCAA tournament. If you’re near Rochester (unlikely, but had to throw that out there), or want to tune in to the livestream, we play at 5pm tomorrow. Rolllllllllllllllll Tech!