Jump into a new comfort zone! by MISTI Program
Nina Sinatra
Class of 2012
Materials Science & Engineering
internship with Max Planck Institute
MIT-Germany Program 2011
I worked for the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz, Germany. My project focused on studying and tuning the optical properties of polymer nanocapsules containing light-sensitive photochrome dye; this research has applications both in medicine and in fundamental polymer chemistry.
MISTI was a wonderful way to take my MIT journey above and beyond! Living and working in Germany was a perfect opportunity to jump into a different comfort zone, work on great research, visit incredible places, and have a truly unique experience. As an engineering student, I couldn’t ask for a more welcoming and cutting-edge place to work abroad. The research that I chose to work on represents a different area of materials science than I had previously been exposed to, but I embraced the challenge and had the opportunity to successfully complete my project. In addition to authoring a publication of my work, my experience in Germany has cemented my goal of continuing work in research and achieving a doctorate in my field. I hope to use MISTI 2.0 as an opportunity to return to my host institute and expand my project even more; I am excited both to continue my work and to keep in touch with the friends and contacts that I made abroad. MISTI macht viel Spaß!