Get Your Wii On. by Bryan
A Dome Hack!!!
In honor of the release of the Nintendo Wii the Great Dome found itself hacked.
Photo Credit: Eric Schmiedl
More photos can be found here
Update (11/19/06; 2:08 PM)
The cultural reference for that symbol goes back to one of my favorite video games from when I was a kid, Zelda!
The symbol is the Triforce symbol.
From zelda.com
The Triforce
The holy Triforce was created by three Goddesses to serve as a symbol of their sacred bond with Hyrule — the world they had created. The Goddess Din offered the Triforce of Power, Nayru contributed the Triforce of Wisdom, and Farore presented the Triforce of Courage. Combined, the three pieces formed the ultimate sacred Triforce.
YESSS. Wii power!
i will go to mit
I had no idea that the Dome was a portal to the Sacred Realm. . .
It’s traditions like these that make me even more wanting to study at MIT…
Haha, awesome! It seems dome hacks are getting more and more frequent now. Eventually, there will be multiple groups competing for a spot on the dome each night..
T-minus 21 days, 4 hours, 58 minutes, and 19.4 seconds.
it is so cool.
I was reading some comments. . . stuff about how such things make people even more attracted to MIT. There are traditions at every university/college. Not just MIT.
Sure, but not all of those traditions are as cool as MIT’s =P
true, but MIT’s traditions are just better
What is the significance of that shape?
See my update above.
– Bryan
Long live Nintendo..
I went with my friend to get a Wii last night. Playing it was the most interactive experience I’ve ever had in console gaming (Wii Sports and Zelda are awesome).
Wii Rules!
Ha! That’s awesome. This is one of the traditions I want to be a part of if I get accepted… Hacks rule!
that made my day yesterday
Gotta finish my application so my parents will let me play my Wii…
hey bryan,
the link above about nintendo doesn’t work..
Haha Just another reason why MIT is so interesting.
All hail the mighty Nintendo Wii!
HAHA YES! Ocarina of Time is a classic. Wii is the way to go, I think, especially since PS3 is so ridiculously expensive.
yeah, and I heard some guy got a PS3 for free because he had one tatooed on himself…

I’m not really much of a gamer person (thanks to parents) –
my extent of “gaming” goes to tetris on a TI-89 —
still a nice hack though…
Isnt the PS3 a blue ray dvd player too, which in itself is ridiculously expensive. I also hear that they are losing a couple hundred for each console sold (making profit off games)
Is it just me, or is Link the only very good release title for the Wii? Theres a list of the release titles about 1/3 down this page – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wii
Love the hack, but I’m still not so sure about the Wii.. I shall be patient and see if it is worth it or not. (The controller is awesome, though!)
I cried. MIT is my school. I must go to MIT.
hacks! zelda pwns forever
i had to beat down the mobs at the electronics department in target where i work…i was like a scene from a not so funny b-movie
i’m not sure i want to work the release of a system again haha
hacks! zelda pwns forever
i had to beat down the mobs at the electronics department in target where i work…it was like a bad scene from a not so funny b-movie
i’m not sure i want to work the release of a system again haha
MIT , here I come !
Jenn –
I went to BestBuy the day after Thanksgiving two years ago, to purchase a pretty good computer for $200. There were other great deals, too. I waited in line for 6 hours, and was the last one to get a computer.. Anyway, the store was COMPLETELY swamped when they opened.. Every inch of the store was occupied by a customer.
When I checked out, it turns out that it was the 1st day of work for the guy running the checkout lane! I can’t imagine how horrible it must have been for him!
I called MIT to check a few things about my application, and guess what? My application was out for review.. Today! Its scary knowing that Matt, Ben, or another one of MIT’s esteemed admissions officers might be reading my application at this very moment!
Finally, what is the plural of Wii! I can’t figure it out! Is it Wiis? Or perhaps, does it just remain Wii? (i.e. “I have two Wii.”) Or maybe, just maybe, it becomes Wiii.
Bah, after Googling this problem, it seems that Nintendo wants us to say “Wii systems”, so Wii doesn’t have an official plural. :-(
go wii!
*waits patiently until christmas*
The Wii is the next generation of console gaming due to better controls.
The tribute to the Wii at MIT is awesome.
– Rick S.
I am so crazy! I waited in line for 16 hours to get a wii and zelda! Have been playing zelda for 13 years. I love it.
yah.. i love this about MIT.. yah traditions like this keeps the college alive and students active… I have read a lot about this Wii.. seems to ready to give a huge blow to XBox.. but I’m still on the PS3 camp!!!!
Awesome, ‘Wii’ love it … MIT Hacks are seriously great advertisements for the university.
Has inspired me to think of such acts at my school … Wonder how my teachers will respond though, planning to pin a red ribbon onto my school’s main wall in response to the upcoming World Aids day … True that it isn’t as flashy as a triforce or R2D2 but it is for an equally good cause!
>Haha, awesome! It seems dome hacks are getting more and more frequent now. Eventually, there will be multiple groups competing for a spot on the dome each night..
It actually was pretty close to that this week. Prior to the triforce, some group had put a flag on the dome that was up for a couple of days.
Hey- First of all, wii is awesome. Secondly, is there any one who has a bunch of previous hack pix? It’d be pretty cool to put those on the blogs.