Go Kendra by Mitra L. '07
From the MIT News Office:
‘Green’ labs project wins EPA prize
An MIT student design project has won a People, Prosperity and Planet Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. More than 400 students representing 65 teams from more than 50 schools participated in the first “P3” competition, which was held at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., on May 16 and 17.
To win the P3, a project had to demonstrate how it would advance sustainability in the developed or developing world. There were seven winners this year.
MIT’s project, titled “Encouraging Toxic Use Reduction (TUR) in Academic Laboratories,” led by Professor Jeffrey Steinfeld of the chemistry department and Jamie Lewis Keith of the Environmental Programs Office, received an EPA grant of $30,000.
Read the whole article here
Great job to Kendra, who “developed much of the project content” !!
(Meghna ’06, Kendra ’05 and I from Bad Taste 2004.)