Guest Post: Rush & Recruitment 2012 by Gabe B. '13
Evan and Denzil weigh in on this hectic week
Fraternity rush and sororiety recruitment, cornerstones of the ‘welcome to MIT’ freshmen experience, began on Saturday. Today, Denzil Sikka, the President of Panhel and Evan Wang, the Programming and Recruitment Chair of the Interfraternity Council, asked if I wouldn’t mind sharing their words. They’d like to write about why ‘Going Greek’ was the best decision they made during their time here at MIT. Pledging MIT Sigma Chi three years ago has certainly significantly impacted my MIT experience in ways I couldn’t have imagined as a freshman, so I’m happy to share their words:
“Fraternities and sororities mean having a great outlet away from the stress of life and academics, the chance to have unforgettable adventures and collegiate experiences, and the possibility to make lasting friendships. Roughly 30% of all undergraduate women, and about 50% of all undergraduate men are affiliated. These members of MITís fraternities and sororities are known for being the most active, intelligent, and involved men and women on campus.
Denzil (Panhel):
The Greek System is a large part of life at MIT. You can avoid it, embrace it, or cohabitate with it. Coming to MIT, I never really saw myself as a sorority girl, although I was never against it. Now three years later, I know that Greek Life has been one of the greatest opportunities to help me develop as a woman. My sorority is my home away from home. My sisters are my mentors, role models, and, most importantly, my closest friends.Ultimately, sororities are all about community and a support network, and through my sorority, I’ve learned leadership skills, volunteered in the community, and made life-long bonds at MIT.
My freshman year, the process of Recruitment allowed me to see each sorority with open and objective eyes. I can confidently say that the choice I made was the right one for me because I looked at every sorority and went through a mutual selection process that helped me find the best fit for me! My MIT life and experience would have been completely different without my sorority, and so I urge all freshmen to try out Recruitment and see if you can find your own home away from home!
Evan (IFC):
2 years ago, when I first stepped foot onto MIT, I thought there was no way I would ever join a fraternity. Pretty much the only images that came to mind when the topic was broached were of the insanity shown in Animal House.
Perhaps that’s why I was so surprised when I found myself swept away in the process that was rush — attempting to figure out if there was a fraternity out there for me. The choices that I made certainly weren’t easy, but a few short months later, I found myself as a brother of the Kappa Sigma fraternity, and now, I often have trouble imagining what life would be like had I not given the Greek community here a chance to show me I could belong and contribute to it.
This isn’t to say that every guy will necessarily find a home in a fraternity, or everyone needs to try Greek life, but if you give us a chance, I’m sure that you will find that we are more welcoming, diverse, and involved around campus than you ever imagined before you got to MIT.”
Thanks Denzil and Evan, and hopefully most (if not all) incoming freshmen are hard at work exploring their options this busy week! I’d like to leave you with one part(y)ing shot. You’re missing out on moments like this if you’re a freshman at MIT and you’re not rushing this week. Here are 9 seniors goofing around before playing trampoline dodgeball this afternoon!