Happy Birthday! by Kate R. '14
1 in 365 readers are really pleased that I remembered their birthday! ...or creeped out that I know when it is...
Approximately one three-hundred-sixty-fifth of the people who read this blog post on any given day will be floored that some MIT admissions blogger is honoring them for their birthday, not to mention a little creeped out (ahh! Is Kate stalking me?). The rest of you are probably just confused. Let me clarify:
If today does happen to be your birthday, have a good one, but believe me it’s just a lucky guess! (Read: I’m not a stalker, promise!) I’m writing about birthdays because this weekend I experienced my first two college birthdays. Okay, I should clarify that too: *I*’m not two years older than I was last Saturday, I was celebrating with friends. The important word to understand in that sentence is ‘celebrating,’ which means something completely different at MIT.
The first birthday belonged to Esther J. ’14, my roommate, who turned 18 last Friday. As her roommate, my floor’s tradition dictated that it was my responsibility to bake her a cake. She was in one of the dorms in West Campus studying for most of Thursday evening, so we had time to make her an awesome chocolate banana cake (Aside: making banana [blank] is a really good thing to do when you’re stressed. Mashing up overripe bananas with a fork is such a good way to vent!) with homemade butter cream frosting. We raided the hall’s baking supplies and found sprinkles and icing, and voila:
We finished up right around midnight, which meant that it was Friday morning, which meant that it was Esther’s birthday already, technically, so why wait? We called her home from West Campus and gathered the entire hall into the kitchen to ‘sing’ Happy Birthday. Why the quotes? That will soon become clear. Apparently, 18 candles is too many to just keep around, so we expressed Esther’s age in binary, using 5 candles and only lighting two:
The candles were lit, and it was time to sing. All of the upperclassmen on my floor opened their mouths…and proceeded to shout, really loudly, continuously, for several minutes. According to some of them, people are actually singing Happy Birthday during this time, but all at different rates and pitches. So far as I can tell, people weren’t really forming words, just stopping to draw breath. It certainly didn’t sound like anything; I just shouted along for the fun of it.
Let me talk a little bit about cutting cakes. Usually, when you have a square or rectangular cake, it gets cut into square or rectangular pieces. If you have a round cake, you cut it into wedges. There’s a body of mathematical work about how to fairly cut a cake so that everyone feels they’ve gotten their fair share. The most imaginative cake-cutting I’ve ever seen comes from my Uncle Dennis, who takes requests from my cousins and will carefully carve out such shapes as “the D, the S, and Pikachu’s left ear.” Esther’s rectangular birthday cake was cut in none of these ways. With instruction from our upperclassmen, she was handed a knife and proceeded to slash the thing into bajillions of tiny, triangular pieces, which disintegrated into crumbs in our fingers as we tried to eat them. It was a unique, hilarious, and no less delicious approach to cake-cutting.
The next night, I celebrated with Natalia G. ’14 at the Tech Catholic Community’s Friday night pasta feed. Her birthday was actually last Thursday, but we celebrated with another homemade cake. While we were raiding the religious center kitchen for birthday candles, I told the story of Esther’s binary birthday. It turned out that a few of the people there had never learned binary, and didn’t know what all the fuss was about. And somehow, I found myself with a brown expo marker in front of a whiteboard in the small community room, teaching a mini-lesson on binary! We ended up finding plenty of candles, so the cake didn’t end up being that nerdy, and it was cut in nice, sensible, easy-to-eat rectangles after a much more musical rendition of Happy Birthday—a nice return to something resembling normalcy. Happy birthday, Natalia!
Speaking of teaching, I’ve gotten a job through MIT’s Educational Studies Program, or ESP. I’ll be teaching math for SATprep on Sundays for about 10 weeks. Just when I thought I was done with standardized tests forever, I’m getting myself involved with them. ESP runs many more programs than just SATprep: they have an AP preparation series, intensive summer classes, and a weekend in November called Splash, when thousands of students descend on MIT to take classes in anything a teacher wants to teach. I still don’t know what I want to teach for Splash, but I have some ideas…
There’s another birthday on my hall today (Happy Birthday Kamal N. ’14), but I swear after this blog post I will not be updating you on the birthdays of everyone I know. That’s what Facebook is for, anyways!
Well, there’s Leap Day, so it’s probably 1/355 this year.
That specific rate is probably also inaccurate due to the Birthday Paradox.
Is it really 1/365th? I’ve been toying with the idea that there are more births in the early spring months because of the honeymoon season. this has yet to be proven.. just a thought..
Is it really 1/365th? I’ve been toying with the idea that there are more births in the early spring months because of the honeymoon season. this has yet to be proven.. just a thought..
Come to think of it, no the Birthday Paradox shouldn’t change much, never mind.
Yeah, I agree that the Birthday Paradox isn’t really applicable here, but Jared has an interesting idea. Births are probably not uniformly distributed throughout the year. It’d be interesting to know what factors affect this…
* 1/364.25
Thanks for the blog, I really enjoyed reading it.
Can’t wait to be accepted into MIT.
lol dange it you missed my b-day by 2 days its the 21st :D
That was an excellent lesson on binary during the pasta feed.
I LOVE YOU KATE I LOVE YOU KATE <3 *dorks out at being tagged in an admissions blog* Guys, this is why you come to MIT–so you can make friends that mention you in their blogs. :D
Two comments: First, the RSS feed which is purportedly at http://www.mitadmissions.org/k8r_.xml doesn’t seem to exist.
Second, this reminds me of my favorite magic trick: let them pick a card. Let them shuffle as much as they want. Let them cut. Let them turn over the top card of the deck. During all this, you don’t touch the deck at all. Roughly one out of 52 people are completely mystified about how you could possibly do that!
I’ve seen that trick done with throwing the deck in the air, and the magician catching one of them as they all flutter down. “This trick is really impressive 1 in 52 times!”
what has happened to girl’s arm on the right. did she scratch her arm?
> If today does happen to be your birthday…
No, today is my unbirthday party.
I love the binary idea! Def. using that one in the future!