Life slows down a bit – if you let it by Snively '11
Fire and hacking has been replaced by housework and skydiving
The blogs turn 10 and all the bloggers get e-mails saying “Write something fun for the 10-year blog birthday!” so, of course, I say yes. It wasn’t until 12 hours before it was due that I started writing and it was only THEN that I discovered I really didn’t have a lot to talk about. Why? Because I’ve let life slow down a bit since graduating. On campus it was like “BLOG CONTENT! BLOG CONTENT! FIRE! UNICYCLE! MATH! ACTIVITY! LECTURE! WITTY! WOO!”
Now? “mow the lawn. go to work. clean stuff. swear at deer eating plants. do other stuff. eh.”
“Wow Snively, you’ve let your life go to hell, so boring!”
Not so! Life is actually pretty great! If you ignore the average 1.5 hour each way commute I have to/from work (which, though less than desirable, is really helping me climb the ranks in Waze), I’m doing pretty well!
I summarized my life after school in my last blog post so I’ll just do some quick updates this time.
1) Yup, still skydiving :)
This picture got me famous on Reddit for a while. I’m the Lego guy.
Sometimes I just grab people in the air and fling them. I’m the one filming.
2) Solar panels went up on the roof yesterday
3) Thanks to Bianca we now have a hydrangea
A lot of my friends are plugging their ways towards their PhDs, have crazy cool jobs in crazy cool cities, but I’m actually rather content with my mortgage, cat, girlfriend, and hydrangea.
Tell you what, though, with admissions season coming up, I’ve started to realize that I’ve hit that critical “time away from campus” point where I don’t necessarily know everything going on anymore. A new dorm has opened since I’ve left, new classes have been created, there are new regulations etc and I’m not as good at answering questions. I find my self restricted primarily to holistic questions and helping prepare emotionally, not so much logistically.
I went to the admitted students BBQ in Portland a couple weeks ago and chatted with a few prefrosh (Hi Amelia!) and found myself not quite as on top of my game. Maybe that’s good, maybe it’s a sign that I’m slowly recovering ;)
I am excited, though, to be an Educational Counselor and to interview prospective students for the first time this year. I’ve been moving around a bunch and never got around to signing up until recently.
That’s about all I’ve got for now, sorry to be so brief :/ Life keeps plugging right along, slower but pleasant. If anybody wants to do a skydive with me I’m at Skydive Oregon most weekends but I’ll be in Massachusetts at Skydive Pepperell on Sep 13th so swing by and do a tandem!