LOLZ CATS by Ben Jones
In which he creates one of his own to explain his extended absence.
Have you guys all seen this silly thing? Yeah, I thought so. It already has its own Wikipedia page.
I made you one. It will describe my life over the last few weeks better than any blog entry could. :-)
(I’ll get to your questions soon – although most of them are about missing materials, and Matt already did a great job of addressing that topic.)
(Thanks to Christina for finding the picture for me.)
So do we have a date for decisions on early action applicants yet? All I’ve heard is “mid-December” and the suspense is pretty much killing me.
Good luck with those and thanks for your work.
Hi Ben
How many EA Apps were received?
When is the decision date?
Everybody who applied EA
(Just hoping my app won’t get lost =/. And good luck with those others apps…)
Hi all,
We’ll still be reading applications for awhile – when we get into selection committee, I’ll have a better idea of a decision-release date. I’ll definitely keep you posted.
Ben, you just managed to go up about 50 places in my book!
im in ur blog, hijacking ur commentz…
Ha ha, keep up the awesome work
There were 3,937 early applications received (up 13% from last year)
I wish us all good luck.
When does the admissions committee go into session this year? (a preset date or when you guys finish reading?).
Oh dear…Is that emph{my} shredded application that I see?
If only it were this easy to get into MIT =)
That is all.
3,937 early applications
So if 11% (390/3493) early actioners were admitted in the first round last year, and we assume that about the same number is admitted in the first round this year… 9.91% (390/3937) will be admitted this year.
Aw man. I hate statistics ):
(A lot of you guys probably really wished you didn’t read that, but you know you were thinking it!)
i am probably in the bottom 10% lol
*sad face*
I laughed out loud at that. Wow.
I’ll place 10 bucks on the 15th for online decisions, by the way. Any EA takers?
12/15/07, 11:47 AM Eastern +/- 1 minute
LOL!!!! Please tell me it’s on Facebook?!?! =D
For a moment I actually thought you got a cat and placed it in the midst of your shredded papers.
That would be awesome tho. =p
@ Natasha –
Except it isn’t all random chance. If you have a very solid application, it’s like holding 20 lottery tickets, in comparison to the standard single lottery ticket. So it might be ~10% overall, but your odds (depending on the strength of your application) might be higher than that.
But then again, it’s not fair to compare college admissions to the lottery, so just take this as extended analogy of sorts.
You know you’ve hit it big when you have your own <a> Wikipedia article </a>
I picked the one that seemed the most interesting
Rats, the link didn’t work. I guess I don’t remember HTML as well as I had thought.
@Oasis: Man, this proves I need to word my comments better. I know it isn’t all by random chance :D Some people’s applications are going to be stronger than others. When I typed the comment, I was just thinking that the 500+ increase in EA applications compared to last year means that the acceptance rate is going to fall, and I wanted to see by how much (the rate will possibly be sub-10%! That’s a leetle beet gobsmacking.)
Also, I sort of took an “all things being equal” stance (er, cateris paribus, I think? Wasn’t really fond of economics), especially since, apparently, that huge percentage increase came from previously ED Princeton & Harvard hopefuls (thus, a lot of them must have had a good application – or, at least, I would hope people applying ED there would have good applications) (also, darn you, Harvard and Princeton, for trying to be fair and equal to all and increasing the competition!). So, if the applicant pool is increased by strong applicants, people with strong applications will still have a lower chance of getting in.
I really have no idea what I’m saying anymore. Redundancy! Incoherency! Carry on now!
PS: I wasn’t trying to be, er, moaning and complaining about the increased app pool and/or self-pitying, and I’m sorry if it seemed that way because totally not what I want! I just… really like numbers? GAH I FEEL LIKE I’M SPEAKING GIBBERISH.
Actually I’ve read some time ago in one of the blogs that it is beacue the admissions want to see all the applications at once so that it is more fair:)
Hi, just wondering, if I wanted to add extra information to my apps (like recently elected positions, etc.) could I email those in? And if so, to whom?
Suppose that we’re deferred to RA. Can we add say…a photo album (it’s not “my family vacation” I promise)…to our application under RA? (as long as we mail it (UPS probably) by Jan 1?)
MIT certainly does a good job advertising itself.
However, its sad because that means many more people fall in love with MIT and more people apply, which in the end, means more people get rejected and their dreams ruined.
Dotty’s correct.
International is so competitive that they want to look at them all together instead of spread out.
ROFL, we need to add this one to the Facebook group so it can be with the “I CAN HAS TUBE?” LOLZCAT. Hope that wasn’t my app shredded for the cat [love the look of guilt on his face] ^_^> Have fun with admissions Ben, I’m sure that we can trust ya’ll to make good decisions.
Good luck fellow EA applicants [also, best wishes and good luck to those RA applicants working on their app]!
omg if you like lolcatz and postsecret, you’ll love lolsecretz.blogspot.com!
“MIT certainly does a good job advertising itself.
However, its sad because that means many more people fall in love with MIT and more people apply, which in the end, means more people get rejected and their dreams ruined.”
I guess that is true in a way- because of these blogs it’s like the only school that i actually get excited about.
So the admissions office is closed, so I thought that I would try on here to get an answer tonight. I just found out that my school didn’t send part of my transcript (I spent a year abroad and have some letters/transcripts from the school I attended there and I thought they had sent them). Is it okay if I send them separately now?
You are so lucky guys! I am an international applicant so could not apply early… That’s unfair:)
You are so lucky guys! I am an international applicant so could not apply early… That’s unfair:)
It couldn’t hurt, and it doesn’t really sound like supplemental material, so admissions probably wouldn’t mind. The worst that happens is they don’t see it.
this is kind of random, but I was just on collegeboard.com and they say that MIT will inform early applicants by December 15th. Is this the set date for decisions or just a “no later than” date?
That is so cute!!
It somehow reminded me of my calc teacher from two years ago. “Wen zee deerivativ of zee function iz positiv, zee function iz happiii, wen it iz negativ, zee function iz sad”. We also had to print binder covers that says “I *heart* Calculus” on it. It was such a fun class.
I bet it is 14th at 11:59PM
I’ll bet the 16th at 12:01AM
Actually, I’m suddenly curious as to why MIT doesn’t allow internationals to apply early
Is it because the admissions officers want to keep them in a completely separate pool?
Hey Ben
I was just reading your post from 2 years ago..again… (the one about admissions guys being insincere)…What a great post!!
@ Jennifer –
That’s more of a “guideline.”
Last year (2006), the decisions were available online on December 9 (if you opted to see it online).
The year before that, the admission committee mailed the decisions also on December 9.
Will it be another December 9 year?
(I didn’t apply MIT EA, but even during Regular Decision it came sooner than I thought. I was actually caught off guard the morning of decision day (someone else actually reminded me that the decisions were going to come out in less than a day). I was still in Taiwan then, so I read my online decision just a little bit past midnight. Anyways, I’m rambling. =p)
Just don’t think about it too much (ok, I know this sounds very hypocritical now I’m in college, but I’m being earnest), and the decision will be here before you know it.
Good luck! =D
Dec. 9!?!
Ahh!! Panic!
Heart pounding, fingers twitching… NERVOUS BREAKDOWN!!!
(Dec. 9 is in less than 2 weeks!)
… keep a tight grip on my PHYSICS book!!
(sorry, I just like Physics… don’t mind me)
Are you kidding? If it was 3 weeks I’d probably have an ulcer from anxiousness!
Hey guys,
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I didn’t want this rumor to go too far – I don’t yet know the exact date, but it definitely won’t be as early as December 9th.
I’ll let you know as soon as I know!
I am a sophomore in an American base on Okinawa trying to get to MIT? Any suggestions (money-saving, GPA, cat-repellant, etc.), please email them to me.
[email protected]
PS: Tell Sarah Brubaker that Kubasaki High hasn’t forgotten her. I know her brother, Erich.
PPS: Hack idea #1: repeat the gnome incident…with beavers!
PPPS: Hack idea #2: Unleash the raw fury of FIVE LIVE BEAVERS in the library (or the auditorium, or somewhere)!!!!!!!!!!!!!
question: about how many students get in from canada every year?
HAHAH so cute
Hi Ben,
I’m still missing a recommendation from my science/math teacher. My teacher sent it off before the deadline, and by now she’s faxed it twice. I’m so worried that I’ll get deferred because of that one letter. There’s an extra letter of recommendation that was sent but I’m not sure how “incomplete” my application will be. It’s been three days since my teacher faxed it the second time (11 since the first time), and it still does not show up on the tracker. I will keep on waiting and maybe ask my teacher to fax it again, but I’m wondering how much it would hurt my application if that letter got there extremely late, or not at all.
Thank you,
Lisette, don’t worry! If your teacher sent it by mail and faxed it twice, I can practically guarantee you that MIT has it somewhere. The tracking system is good, but it’s not necessarily perfect – if you really want to make sure MIT got it, just give them a call. They’ll be happy to help you.
Sorry Ben if I was distributing misinformation. =/
@ Taran –
I’ve been to Kubasaki! In fact, I actually competed against you guys in track during my frosh year in high school. Camp Foster was definitely an interesting place to live at for an extended weekend
please please please announce a date! i know ben said definitely not early as the 9th. will you be sticking to a saturday? (so maybe the 15th) or will it be even after that?
even a time range of a few days will be helpful!!
thanks a lot.
just look at all these people breaking this kid’s hopes…….
Hi, I’m a 6th former in the UK at the moment (from elsewhere, however) and am presently having epic-sized personality issues with my physics teacher, to the point where I really want to drop the subject (there aren’t other physics classes). Due to timetable restrictions I can’t take another science. Would I still be expected to take a science SAT II?
Yes, you need a science SAT II, regardless of your circumstances.
I am a non-traditional non-traditional student. I am currently 33 years old and I am enrolled in a two year Marine Bio program. On top of that I have been attending college off and on over the past 11 years and have currently amassed over 60 credits so far. By the end of the Marine Bio program I will be up to about 170 credits (but only an A.S. degree!).
I would like to transfer to MIT, but it seems as though I (will) have too many credits to so. I would gladly ‘ignore’ any credits that I currently have and enroll as a sophomore.
Is this possible?
A quick question for Ben:
In the 2nd part of the application, there is a COMPLETELY OPTIONAL essay on “something that you have created”. As a 16 year old, I have not CREATED any thing significant yet. How should I write this essay? Can I write a concept or idea I have learnt, instead of “created”?
I know you will say this essay is “optiaonal” but from all advices I got any thing “optional” is actually not optional and we better write it. Thanks for you thoughts!
First of all, I am not Ben but I want to reply to the last post. I didn’t write any optional essays last year and I got accepted for early admission. Furthermore, I wrote my essay about ‘something I do outside of curricular activies’ about walking to school! Sitting around worrying about acceptance won’t help at all. To tell you the truth, last year, I forgot it was the day the decisions came out until I came home from going out to dinner with my friends and my dad reminded me. Just take a chill pill. And I wish you all best of luck from my gap year in Germany.
Ben: They’re so awesome, I devoted a facebook application to them! It’s a mashup of LOLCats and the bible. Can’t get any better than that, right? hah!
Thank you, Amy. Just curious, what are you doing in Germany? Why dod you take a gap year? I am considering this as well…….
What am I doing in Germany? Sometimes I ask myself that too! I am an exchange student over here. I am spending another year going to high school. (I am in the 11th grade here in the college bound school, though I take math and robotics with the 12th grade and math with the 13th grade) School is really boring, but the experience here in germany is great. For once in my life the focus in on being social and living life and not academics, which a good lesson for me to learn. I had a tough time making the decision to take a gap year because I didn’t want to leave the academic circle for a year and then have to get back into the swing of things… plus now I will be older than most in my class at MIT, but I decided that I would kick myself 10 years down the road if I didn’t take the experience. Plus, this is a great way for me to revamp before hitting the gas pedal at MIT next year. As you can see, I am missing being nerdy because I am spending my free hours in school looking at MIT admissions blogs! So, if you have the drive to take a gap year do it! Just make sure you plan it well. For example, I lost a scholarship because I chose a gap year, and I also had to fill out a lot of paperwork to save my other 2 scholarships. Best of luck,
I have a few questions to ask:
I am a permanent resident in US but I moved here only this year so I had my schooling up to 11th grade in India…since I joined in the senior year over here I had a few mandatory courses for graduation which did not allow me to take enough APs and even the research courses I am surely capable of. Will the MIT admission staff consider this?? At present I have AP Chemistry and am doing really well in that…I am planning to take the AP Physics and English exams by studying on my own since I cannot do it through my school..so should I put this down in my application,,where?(i would be registering for the exam in march though)…
My teachers here do not know me very well but I have managed to get my evaluation forms done from my Chemistry and English teachers..but I feel it would add to my application if i could send along the recommendation letters from my previous school teachers…can i do this??
one last question….in India we did not have different levels of courses like “regular” or “honors”. How should I complete the Self-reported course work section of the part 2 of my application as it is for the students in the U.S school system only ??
I know I have written way too much..sorry for that but please help me..
Still no date for EA decisions, or am I missing something?
Hey Ben
I’m an international Applicant and I was a little confused about the interview part. It says on one page that “You are not required to have an interview, but if you choose to have one, it is your responsibility to schedule it”
The deadline is quite close actually, but if I don’t have an interview, will it affect my application?
Hi! Could you tell me how influential sending in a musical recording would be? I listed in my application that I’ve played the flute for many years and have attended a couple honor bands. How beneficial would a recording be?