Mailing Tomorrow; Yo-Yo Tonight by Matt McGann '00
Verify your MyMIT username and password.
After a week of checking, double checking, and checking-to-the-nth, we are ready to mail decision letters tomorrow, and post decisions online on Saturday.
I want to urge you one final time: if you have not confirmed your username and password at decisions.mit.edu yet, and you plan to find out your decision online, please verify your information at that website right now. On the off chance that you no longer remember your username/password information for MyMIT, this at least allows you to call the Office of Admissions tomorrow before we close for the weekend at 5:00pm EST. Our office phone number is 617-253-4791.
With that said, I’m now leaving the office to see Yo-Yo Ma at the Boston Symphony Orchestra at Symphony Hall, a quick walk or bus trip from MIT.
Did you know: MIT students get to see BSO concerts for free?
Using induction would require you to check to the (n+1) also though, what’s up with that?
Anyway, thanks for the update/work/all. Have fun at the concert. Incidentally, my dad knows Yo Yo Ma, having had arranged several concerts for him.
^^ love the induction comment
Yo-Yo Ma at the BSO! and for FREE? neat =) I was fortunate enough to see Yo-Yo Ma’s amazing Silk Road Assemble in Seoul two years back… The effective blending of various cultural music was a treat for the ears. Thanks Mr. McGann and to the admissions crew =)
I’m so happy this whole application process is almost over.
In the meantime, what are you guys gonna do until Saurday?
My best wishes to all the applicants(including me)!
What?! Yo Yo Ma, Boston Symphony Orchestra free?! HAX!
Now I will be just that more [excited/crushed] when I find out that I am [accepted/rejected].
1 day, several hours, minuts, and seconds. Yay laziness.
Mailing tommorrow! I’ll be spending the day at the Univ. of Pittsburgh. It’s certainly cheaper and closer, but it’ll be a wasted day if I were to get in to MIT on Saturday!
1 day 14 hrs 58 mins
Wow. thanks for everything Mr. McGann.
I’ll be looking forward to tomorrow’s pic of the mailman coming in to take the box-full of mail.
I hope you enjoy Yo-Yo-Ma’s performance!
yo yo ma!! This may sound wierd, but i name my instruments, my guitars have names, my violin, and my cello has a name: “Am oy oy” in honor of Yo Yo Ma. Can’t wait for decisions! I’m not checking online…gonna wait the extra few days!
1 hour and 33 min I just cant wait any longer… I’ve been stressed out this for about 10 days, good luck to you all I hope I get to see some of you if I get in.
i hope i will be also zipping on the street tomorrow
good luck everybody!!!
Thank you Matt!!!
I’m anxious to find out if I get in or not, but I’m not stressing. I’ve got a small ensemble contest for choir on Saturday at 10:30, and won’t get home for about an hour after that. That needs my focus first. Add to that getting ready for two major projects in a Law class (community outreach and mock trial), and studying for an AP Physics test, and I might not get to the decisions site on Saturday. Maybe even Sunday too. I know that I have the patience to see what comes, good or bad. Best of Luck to All.
@ gm
Camille Saint-Saens is one of my favourite composers, especially for cello. There’s nothing of his I’ve played that I didn’t like! My favourite is Allegro Appassionato, it has so much energy, and the chords are amazing. So what if I played it 4 years ago? It’s still my favourite. I’m working on the Cello Concerto No. 1 right now, and I love it almost as much as the Allegro.
here’s a countdown till the decisions are released
I suppose it’s somewhat harder to bare when it’s march break in Canada. But my friend (who has also applied) and I are coping.
We’re going downtown tomorrow to window shop ^^;;
lemme see if i can bribe any mailman so that i will get the mail by the end of tomorrow :p. (that is one good thing to live around Boston area)
Wow, Yo Yo Ma!! He came to our little town two years ago, I saw him play the Dvorak cello concerto and the first Saint-Saens concerto, oh so amazing. I’m a cellist too, and I love listening to live performances, you can really feel the energy and emotion the musician puts into his rendition.
Hey “me” thanks for the counter
But I’m still going to post a countdown here because it’s much more fun…plus it gives me an excuse to revisit the blogs =D
Wait a minute…I think your counter’s wrong by one hour..did you factor in DST? Please recheck it, I might be wrong though
Alright everyone, I couldn’t resist…there’s almost less than a day left!!!
24 Hours and 40 Minutes :/
Good Luck!!!!!!!!!
Abdulaziz (Aziz) Albahar
Hey “me” thanks for the counter
But I’m still going to post a countdown here because it’s much more fun…plus it gives me an excuse to revisit the blogs =D
Wait a minute…I think your counter’s wrong by one hour..did you factor in DST? Please recheck it, I might be wrong though
Alright everyone, I couldn’t resist…there’s almost less than a day left!!!
24 Hours and 40 Minutes :/
Good Luck!!!!!!!!!
Abdulaziz (Aziz) Albahar
Ouch..double post…sorry about that :/ (as if I’m making it any better by posting this =P)
Oh yeah, and Matt enjoy the concert =D
Updated Time: 1 Day and 38 Minutes!
Good Luck to all!!
Abdulaziz (Aziz) Albahar
wow, free classical concerts? fantastic
23 hours and 53 minutes to be exact
Camille Saint-Saens?! I especially love his work: Le Carnaval des animaux.
I don’t know if this has been answered, but when will accepted EA students receive their financial package? Will they be available online also? Have they been sent out, or will they go out with the RA letters?
Ah, and after I read this I went to Ben Jones’s blog and saw the numerous “Don’t ask us about financial aid!” posts.
Never mind. Sorry about that!
Ha, I’m in Chem class and working on a project. Thought I should check the blogs and brag to everybody here that I will hear my decision at 9:00 AM. I live in southern California (PST).
I have a show tonight with my band, I’m the vocalist and bassist.
Good luck, don’t stress. -Aaron
Colin, according to the Application Deadlines calendar, all applicants are notified of the financial aid package on April 1st. (How ironic.)
Good luck to all!
Hmm… It seems my situation will be a bit different. I’m taking a guided tour of UBC on Saturday, and then I’m going straight to the University Chapel for Bible Study, and only after that do I go back home for un-packing (it’d have been only the 2nd day I move to my new place on campus), and then I get to check my e-mail, IF my roommate has already ordered the internet hardware. So no matter what, I won’t get to see it until late, late, late at night…
126000 seconds
Im probably gonna stay up all night today (friday) so that i can sleep until 6 pm, (saturday) which is when the decisions get released here (germany). I cant wait the whole day, i would constantly be checking what time it is, ‘oh 4 hours to go..’ ‘3.5….2…..1.5…..1….’ wouldnt be much productivity going on that day :p Have fun at the concert matt and co, and hopefully we’ll see each other at MIT soon.
wackaaoo…thats wat we friends used to say in a state of happiness…I am happy to hear the letters would be sent tomorrow…but extremely anxious abt the long-awaited decision….
It’s FurahiDay!!!!!!
Hi Ben!
Yo-Yo Ma! I LOVE Yo-Yo Ma. You are so lucky. Really.
Thanks for the update on the whole process!
I have school on saturday, then i’ll probably be going with my friend in the evening to her school to attend their spring gala…anything to keep my mind off the approaching and inevitable! and then stuck with superglue to my computer screen….
19 hours, 20 minutes left
graph of stress is increasing and its increasing with a great slope now.good luck guys.God helps you….
I have nothing more to say.
Only 1 Day, 5 Hours and 27 Minutes Left!
Good Luck to all!!!!
Abdulaziz (Aziz) Albahar
Oh. My. God.
*presses panic button and goes into haywire mode*
*dances, then sits*
*sits, then dances*
*presses panic button again*
Oh. My. God.
(A somewhat-rendition of what I might be doing minute-ly tomorrow).
Best of Luck to all Applicants! And me!
Know I’d probably not get in…but thanks for all your dedication. Applying to MIT has been one of the most unforgettable experience for me. Thanks =) Enjoy the concert !
NO WAY GM!!!!!! That is also my favorite cello piece. In fact, the first time I heard it I knew I wanted to play it…so I looked it up (not even knowing the name) and by chance I found it online as well as the sheet music for it! I have like 90% of it memmorized…only like 3 or 4 measures left to be able to play it all by memmory. lol…I told you I listened to some classical music
That’s EVERYONE’s favorite cello piece (not that it isn’t mine XD).
I live in Green Bay, Wisconsin. No chance I’d get to see Yo-Yo Ma in a concert hall ten minutes from my house, right?
Yo-Yo Ma came to Green Bay a few weeks ago, to play at the Weidner Center on the UW-Green Bay campus. My orchestra teacher, an amazingly energetic and caring woman, got tickets for those among the class who wanted them in SEPTEMBER. $36.25 to be up in the mezzanine and hear Yo-Yo Ma and his Silk Road Ensemble PERFECTLY WELL.
The bottom line: Go to see Yo-Yo Ma if you can. If you can’t, you’re not thinking hard enough. Find a way.
@ gm
That piece is used SOO often in commercials, but I play it a lot for weddings and stuff, too. That entire suite is great for solo entertainment gigs – no accompaniament needed!
@ Olga
Truly stated. I also love that work as well.My favorite cello piece is entitled: Unaccompanied Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007: I. Pr