Melis’s UROP Blog by Mitra L. '07
Melis enters the blogging community.
Melis ’08 has started writing a blog, through which she explores “a different MIT student
Melis enters the blogging community.
Melis ’08 has started writing a blog, through which she explores “a different MIT student
I am totally in love with this banner, Mitra! Who made it? I could never even hope to be as good at DDR as you are.
I agree that our bloggers’ names are way biased toward the first half of the alphabet. I heard that you also have a better chance of getting into MIT if your first name begins with the letter M. Is this true? Some ’06s from my high school are thinking of legally changing their names this month.
I agree with Sam: I love the banner.
Also, what if your LAST name begins with M? ^_^
http://web.mit.edu/referencepubs/nondiscrimination/ — they don’t mention first initial, do they??
Justin — nope, last initial “M” doesn’t matter. We do, however, show preference to those with the last name “Jones” as evidenced by the THREE people in admissions with that last name. http://web.mit.edu/bin/cgicso?query=jones
Okay, on a serious note, you ought to read MIT’s Nondiscrimination Statement. And then go file the papers to change your name.
haha I’m not sure that blogging and econometrics really mix. Sam was able to pull it off, but I don’t know about this.
And yeah, nice banner! (Though I do hope that Sam is joking about your DDR ability.)
Hrmph. That explains a lot.
Damn it, and for a second there I thought I’d gotten in on merit. Psh.
Hey, merit starts with an ‘m’…
oh wow, the banner I made looks really bad compared to this one!
and one letter off! Maybe I should be Micole? Hmmmm…
Thanks for the plug, MITra =) Great blog (and banner), by the way!
Hey Mitra,
Yeah, cool banner. I was also just thinking that all those arrows are for DDR. . .is that true? hope your summer is going well.
I too would like to commend you on your new banner
Also, you should consider submitting your research to MURJ