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A head-and-shoulders illustration of Petey. He has light skin, short brown hair, and is wearing a green shirt.

MIT Regular Action Decisions Now Available Online by Chris Peterson SM '13

MIT Regular Action admissions decisions for the Class of 2024 are now available at

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You can log in using the same username and password that you use to log in to your MyMIT account. There are no interim screens, so you should be sure you are ready to receive your decision online before logging in to

Update: we have learned that, given public health concerns, one of our decision servers has decided to self-isolate from the rest of the Internet out of an abundance of caution. If you are getting redirected away from the decisions site, please try a different browser, or clear your cache, or try a different internet connection. We are happy to report the rest of the decision servers are healthy and well.  

Between Early and Regular Action, 20,075 students applied to join the MIT Class of 2024. As of today (inclusive of Early Action), we have offered admission to 1,457 students.

The Class of 2024 has been curated with care to collectively climb the mountain that is MIT. They represent all 50 states, 64 countries, and nearly 1,000 high schools all across the world. Though they all do different things — geology and gymnastics, journalism and jujitsu, cross-stitch and combinatorics — they are united by a shared standard of rigorous academics, high character, and a strong match with MIT’s mission to use science, technology, and the useful arts to make the world a better place. We can’t wait to welcome them to our campus to join the 4,516 outstanding undergraduates who already call MIT home.

There are also students who may be climbing other mountains, with other mountaineers, next fall. Of the students to whom we do not offer admission today, we have placed a small number on our waitlist and informed the balance that we will not be able to admit them to the Class of 2024. Turning away so many kind, generous, and super-smart students has left us bleary-eyed and reminded us that what we do is more than a job, but a privilege and an honor. Thank you for sharing your aspirations and inspirations with us in the application process.

If you are among the many stellar students to whom we are not offering admissions, then all I can remind you is that success is not always a straight line. That your path isn’t something MIT sets you on, it’s something you make yourself. And if you spend the next few years trying to make wherever you are as amazing as you can (as you already are), then someday you’ll look back on this Pi Day and realize it all worked out okay.

I’m closing comments on this blog post to concentrate conversation in the open threads for admitted, waitlisted, and not admitted students. Answers to frequently asked questions for waitlisted students can be found here, with more information about next steps to come in early April.

Congratulations to the Class of 2024, and best wishes to all of our applicants. No matter where you enroll next fall, please make it a better place. I know you can. I hope you will.