MIT ISEF Reception by Matt McGann '00
MIT will host a reception at ISEF in Indianapolis.
The MIT Office of Admissions will host a reception for participants in the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair (ISEF) on Thursday, May 11th, from 4:00pm to 5:30pm at the Indianapolis Artsgarden. Since we’re hosted by the Artsgarden, the reception theme will be “The Arts at MIT.” And since we don’t want to ruin your dinner, we’ll just be serving some appetizers before you head off for supper.
The Artsgarden is located above the intersection of Washington and Illinois streets in downtown Indianapolis. The Artsgarden connects to the Embassy Suites complex and Circle Center Mall. It is linked by the indoor skywalk to the Hyatt Regency, Canterbury, Omni, Westin and Marriott hotels as well as the Indianapolis Convention Center, where ISEF will be held. RSVP (requested but not required) to Associate Director of Admissions Matt McGann. I hope you can join us!
MIT ISEF Reception
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Indianapolis Artsgarden (intersection of Washington and Illinois streets)
Contact: Associate Director of Admissions Matt McGann
Some photos from last year’s ISEF reception in Phoenix…
From top left: Amber ’09, Johann ’09, Mike ’09, Jackie ’09, and two photos of last year’s huge crowd.
If you’ll be at ISEF, I hope I’ll get to see you!
hey, i made it into the pictures
. I’ll certainly see you there this year Matt
I realize this is completely unrelated to the post, but I don’t know how else to contact you so….do you think you’ll know tomorrow whether or not the waitlist will be necessary? Will you post on here if you do? Thanks Matt.
Hey Matt! I won’t be in Indianapolis this year, but the MIT lunch last year was a lot of fun. Good Job! (Don’t forget the frisbees ^_^)
I have a completely unrelated question about admissions. Does it look bad to take the SATs three times? I know that only the highest scores count and that you can take it as many times as you want, but does it look better to only have taken them twice. My guidance counselor said that I should only take them twice, that three times is pushing it. What’s your advice?
Hi Matt. I’ll be at ISEF!!! YAY. So, I’m supposed to go to dinner with the Director of my Regional Science Fair that night, but I’ll see if I can move that to another day. I’m so excited to see MIT people at ISEF…A great thing to look forward to indeed.
Also, could you check whether MIT has received my reply form please?
Thank you Matt.
Hey Matt! I’ll see you at the ISEF reception also!!! Next week is going to be a blast! Can’t wait to meet more MIT ’10’s either!Wait, how do I RSVP? Just shoot you an email?
douglas—i feel your pain.
the waitlist is killinggggggg me.
i cant wait any longer :o(
I took the SAT Reasoning three times….and I still got into the class of 2010, so if it does look bad, it obviously didn’t look too bad. Though I must admit, I had the same basic score 3 times in a row….
The wonderful Google tool brought me here and I must say I’m psyched for ISEF again. I miss last year so much, but Indiana should be a blast. I haven’t yet made up my mind about whether or not to come to this reception. I haven’t even decided whether or not to apply to MIT or if I even have a chance at getting in. I guess I’ll have to see how the week goes.
I’m coming to the MIT ISEF reception!!! =D
Yay, I’m posting right now from one of the computers at Intel ISEF, Indianapolis. I’ll be there if our group hasn’t planned something else for that time.
Can’t wait to meet future classmates!
Thanks for the invite. I will be there w/ my parents.
Matt, Thanks for the Invite! I am
looking forward to coming….ever since I
read about it in Amber’s Blog last year;
Could you post if the ISEF Co-ordinators know
about the “ArtsGarden Event” Please?