Online Decisions To Be Released This Saturday by Ben Jones
Only a few more days of waiting...
Hi folks,
Jess sent me an email a few days ago making fun of me for being completely awol from the blogs recently. She’s right, and I apologize; we’ve been working 7-day weeks since January reading all of your applications and selecting the class in committee. This time next week I’ll be enjoying my first day off in quite awhile, and my blogging should return shortly thereafter.
I’m pleased to let you know that we’re on schedule to release decisions online at noon (Eastern Time) on Saturday March 15. They will be mailed via postal mail a few days later, most likely on Monday, March 17 or Tuesday, March 3/18.
Decisions will be available online to those who meet all of the following criteria:
- You have applied for freshman admission (not transfer or graduate).
- Your intended entry year (as designated in your MyMIT account) is 2008.
- You applied in Regular Action, or were deferred in Early Action (the system is unable to display decisions for those who applied in Early Action and received a “final” action in December – i.e. admitted or denied).
What is the process for receiving my admissions decision online?
In order to check your decision online, you will need to have registered for a MyMIT account and you will need to know your username and password. When decisions are released, simply visit https://decisions.mit.edu and log in using the same username and password that you use to log into your MyMIT account. There are no interim screens, so you should be sure you wish to receive your decision online before logging in to decisions.mit.edu.
Please note that you can visit https://decisions.mit.edu beginning tomorrow (Monday, March 10) to confirm your username and password. We will not be in the office on the weekend that decisions are released, so to prevent any delays, you should confirm your username and password well in advance.
What if I’ve forgotten my MyMIT username or password?
You may use our automated system to reset it. Simply visit my.mit.edu and click on the “lost username” or “lost password” link.
What if I don’t have a MyMIT account?
If you do not currently have a MyMIT account and you wish to receive your decision online, you will need to register for one using your MIT ID, which was sent to you via postal mail soon after receiving your paper application (if you used the online application, you already have a MyMIT account). If you have misplaced your MIT ID, or if you never received it, you may call our office to get it (please note that you will be asked to give some personal information for verification).
If you register without your MIT ID, your username and password may not work on decisions.mit.edu.
Hang in there – only a few more days of waiting!
FIRST… OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am taking my own first post. Hah.
Yay!!! Got there before you Ben!
OMG, I’m not even fast enough to get my own first post. I give up.
OMG, I’m super excited!
Lol, its ok Ben
Dont give up just yet… It just happened to be a case of being there at the right place at the right time 
Haha — not quite, Ben. But thank you sooo much for the news!!
The wait is almost over!!
Iam so excited that I cant even complete what I wanted to say at once… Sigh, thanks Ben!!!
~Starts crossing fingers very very anxiously…. ~
Hahaha, this was really funny. I was just checking out Ben’s most recent posts including the one he made in December regarding the EA guys. I navigated back to the front page and WOW, an update? I had to check the date several times just to make sure I wasn’t fooling myself.
Yay for desicions!
Yay for _decisions_ grr
Oh… My… God… I am feeling like I have a cyclotron in my stomach… (Bad, but did ya expect any worthy humour from someone in my condition ?)
Any Indians here planning to take the JEE ??
If u get admitted, will u still be taking it ?
JEE? Urgh….I am never going to take it whether I am admitted here or not!
Gaaaaah 6 more days… Next week will be the longest one ever… Thanks for the info Ben
Btw, sorry for double post… but you missed the Pi day :(
OMG, I’m so anxious…
Good luck everyone!
Anyway, my anxiety will end soon!
Oh yeah… I still can’t use myMIT. I tried creating a new account, and it wouldn’t let me (can’t use the same info for 2 different accounts). I can’t delete the old account either. Should I call SFS to make sure they have my financial aid paperwork?
I might take the JEE.. I think I will… I dont know man, seriously…. OMG!!!!!!! (My vocabulary has been woefully restricted to these few words as of now)
YAY! ( i suppose !)
I can barely type!
This will be the longest week of my life.
Now i have to wait for the chem exam to get over and for decisions
A real paradox as i was hoping for this blog to come and was reading the notification for EA, the time this blog was posted. This will be a real nerve wrecking week for all the hopeful’s. Thanks Ben for the information and we eagerly await your return to the ” world of blogging “.
yeah… a recommendation for the MIT ’13 applicants.. Never make a deal with your friend to wait for snail mail to find out are you admitted…
god… i have to wait till thursday now or something..
are you going to use FedEx to notify internationals about admission?
Oh. My. God
So Aditi you too are giving the ISC Board Exams?
It will be a real challenge to keep your mind on the Chem Exam with your mind only thinking about 15th 15th 15th 15th 15th …………..
LOL….my chem exam’s over :D
I got in EA but I’m still really stressing out for all my RA friends. Thanks for the update Ben.
Good luck everyone!
THANK YOU BEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well…I’ve been looking forward to this post for a few weeks…and now that I know the day I kind of want to run away and hide. *anxious EA deferred*
And this is why you should never listen to me.
Or. . . you can assume that I was preparing you for the worst and now you can be really happy!
Or . . . I just had no idea what I was talking about.
So everyone…….
dis is it……..
fingers crossed
Thank you Ben!Best of luck to all!
Finally.Oh, the ambivalence abounds.Soon we’ll know where we’ll go.By God’s grace we shall all end up in an institution apposite to us.The wait is nearly over.
AT LAST (I know how you feel rachel)!..now that decisions have probably been made, i can say this without sounding like a kiss a**, but seriously, thank you to all bloggers….we wouldnt have known 90% of what we know about MIT without you guys…thanks for telling us your stories, your failures, your successess and everything you go through…..thanks for making us feel like people instead of applicant # wxyz…youve made the months of waiting fly by….thanks Snively, Paul, Ben, Matt, Jess K the rest of you!! all of you ROCK!
Every year you guys set the date to the Saturday of the FIRST Silicon Valley Regional.
There is no free access wifi at that university.
There will be at least 20 of us stuck there till 6 PM waiting for our decisions(9 PM EST).
I can’t believe decisions are just around the corner after all this waiting….
I’m ambivalent about March 15th. I want the day to be here now, but at the same time I don’t want to know because it will be the end of a dream for so many of us…
Good luck to everyone.. I wish we could all get in.
So begins the longest week of my life …
Finally!!! :D
So Ben, do international applicants get mailed as well?
Wow. I was completly set on decisions coming out on the 22nd (yeah Snively, I’m looking at you
), so this is amazing news – Thanks Ben, we know how hard you guys worked for this!
OMG!!!ppl around seems so xcited while i’m freakin out….literallly!!!
MOG!!!plsss plsss may it be that i and alll the others whu realllly reaaalllly loves MIT lyk me gets in…
*fingers crossed real tyt*
Here they come…..
omg…6 days, 8 mins, and 28 secs left!!!
good luck everyone!
I guess I willl wait for snail-mail…..I don wannna kno!!
btw, does intl students get express mails letting them kno the decisions?
GOD!! i hv my DS awards that day…..what am i gonna do?!?!
Wow, this is a week earlier than I was expecting. Yay for pleasant surprises! Boo for the lack of a “skip chapter” button on life.
Thank you, Ben!
This week will be one of my longest…
Guys relax I just realized that it is more important that we relish these moments until Saturday and not let anxiety take over us (as curiosity killed the cat) for we no matter, we get in or not, will one day remember these days and will revel in them.
To quote Paul ” It is more important how we play the game “. Sorry for double posting
Why such an aversion to the IIT’s ?? They are not far behind the best in the world. And do remember that while MIT is on the top because of the astounding amount of stuff going on at its campus (research nd stuff), IIT is ranked pretty high, solely on the strength of its graduates (which is what we are all trying to be)
@ Shruthi
I can understand… Been OMG’in ever since I read this one. Must be a real pain with ur boards on… Nice that I got rid of this little inconvenience an year ago
Thanks Ben for the post!
So most of us only have 6 more days of dreaming of MIT. One more OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@anonymous person , yes i am. =(
@Snively , maybe now would be a good time to revive ‘a shorter wait’? =)
Less than a week away! Is it possible to be even more excited now than when I was getting my own decision? Hehe, we’ll finally be able to welcome the rest of the ’12 class! Good luck to everyone! You guys can do it! =)
wow, here we go again! It’s been an amazing journey to go on for me, all the people I’ve met along the way are truly brilliant and no matter the decision, I look forward to the changes our generation can make for the future, for ourselves, and for posterity.
OMG! i can’t believe that time is almost here. guess this week is going to be long. and on saturday, 12 hrs going to feel like 24 hrs. i’m so anxious. Good luck everybody!
good luck RDers! look forward to seeing you in the MIT12 chatroom
*heart pounding*
All the best, guys! I can’t believe one whole year passed so quickly.
@Yuzhi: Each year, it’s on the Saturday of the Midwest regional, too! We have WiFi, though, and this year they moved the regional to week 1
I can totally sympathize with your plight, though – you’re exactly in the same place as our programmer from last year. He got in – good luck to you 
Good luck to everyone else! I’m off to put down a housing deposit at University of Illinois, just in case the 15th doesn’t bring good news
Best of luck everybody!
Woah… I wasn’t expecting the 15th! wow, this is my spring break… so I guess it’s going to be even longer? I need to find distractions maybe?
Finally! I was kind of hoping that they would be released on pi day, but Saturday is good enough. I didn’t think I would hear about any colleges until almost the end of the month, but it turns out that I should find out about CalTech tomorrow or tuesday and MIT on saturday.
This is exciting…
Good luck everyone.
hi…Im an Indian…and Im taking JEE whether i get through or not….im not gonna go there…(not like im definitely gonna get through too…its JEE!!!)…
I’ve also got through Imperial…but ill just give it so that theres somewhere to go to if the money gets messed up…but an honest suggestion to people aspiring for MIT (Indians)…if you get through..forget IIT…
i’m scard.. good luck everyone
Wow, just one more week?
It’s so close it’s almost surreal now
Good luck to all RDers!
i’m about to have a heart attack! I guess i better hurry up wit my thank you notes (i remember some post saying you should hand em out BEFORE the decisions, makes them more heartfelt)
Ugh… I’m going to be at a winterguard competition all day Saturday, and I know I’m going to be freaking out from this and the anticipation of competing.
I anticipate this not going well.
Good luck, all!!
I nearlyy slipped off my chair when I glanced at the RSS feed!
This izzz itt!! The moment of truth….
Love you Admission folks for alll the great work you’ve put in!
And to all the deffered as well as my fellow RA applicants –
OMG!!!!!!(IN JENACE’s way as in FRIENDS show)
OMG, Caltech on 11th and now MIT on 15th!! I’ll surely be down with a nervous breakdown before seeing the end of it.
Best of Luck to all!
I can not understand how i m feeling at this moment…im so scared…im excited…i dont wanna know wat the decisions are gonna b….i m eager to finish this long wait….im so confused…
I just got wait listed at Caltech.Now I have to worry about MIT.Best of luck to everybody…(!)
Thanks so much for all of your hard work that went into this year’s admissions process. No matter what the outcome turns out to be for me, this has been the most exciting experience of my life. This next week is going to be a lot of fun.
omg good luck to everybody!! The wait is almost over!! I can’t wait to find out who my fellow classmates are (but i bet im not as anxious as most of you waiting on your decision)!
*crosses her fingers for all her friends, and, why not, everyone else too.
Just how many Indians are there? My God…..15th…..It’s make or break…or whatever you wanna call it! Hanging on Ben..Hanging on.
Good luck! I can’t wait to meet everybody at CPW! For all of you who can’t get your decisions at noon, don’t worry. I had a speech tournament the day EA decisions came out and didn’t get home until seven, but everything turned out fine.
Again, good luck and stay busy so the time passes by faster!
Good luck to all international applicants!
Round 2…
Good Luck!
Don’t really know what to say…
Wow, thanks to the admissions committee for reading all the apps and getting decisions out. All I can say is that I, like so many others, am anxiously awaiting the opportunity to join the MIT community. Good luck to all!
Oh god, waiting the second time around is even harder!
If I get in party at my house. Good luck everyone!!!
Ack, so nervous right now….
Any other applicants from the Caribbean?
Yes. Dominican Republic, and you?
@ Ben, at the top:
And yay, I guessed the decision date right! Oh well, kids, you guys don’t have to wait anymore…lol, enjoy. =p
Anybody care to interpret the fact that decisions will be released on the Ides of March?
On an entirely unrelated note-how should we going to celebrate pi day? Snively better put something on his blag!
anyone from spain???????????????????
OMG My heart just started beating so fast when I read your post ! I am waiting for saturday to some quickly yet not that fast…OMG !
Ben Jones, do not worry, you will get FIRST POST one day, although I’ve never had it I think…
Hey Ben!
Thank you so much for the news. I have been checking the website everyday for the final decision date. And yes, its finally here! I can’t wait to get my eyes on the acceptance!
Just hoping for the best! MIT woah!!!
The final countdown! Keep track if you like:
Good luck everyone!
Sorry! The website link got messed up in the last post!
love the link!
thnks ben and all the admissions staff for doing this…it must have been real hard…lets see how it goes! gooood luck once again!
OH man, this is going to be longest week of my life, all culminating to noon Saturday. Can’t wait. Good luck to all!!
Stephen – haha, is that the counter i pasted in the chat room. i think it is!
decisions come out on my birthday. Will be that much more awesome if I get in.