Open Thread: Admitted by Matt McGann '00
An open thread for admitted students.
Welcome to the Class of 2011! Feel free to use this post’s comments space to introduce yourselves to your future classmates. (Later this week, look for new stuff on your MyMIT portal)
Matt, what are our acceptance letters going to look like this year?
Zaira from MITES is that you!?
Congrats to everyone that got accepted! I’ll be waiting till March to hear if I’ll be joining you in the fall!
*pop fizzzzz* CELEBRATIONNN
To addmited ones,
How much did you guys get on your SATs. And I congragulate you guys,, you guys rock!!!
2270 here
Man, I was dreading checking it because I was sure I wouldn’t get in. I was so shocked!
PLEASE don’t let this thread turn into a discussion of test scores. PLEASE.
Thank God!!!
I’m with Anonymous above. SAT scores aren’t the only thing considered in your application. Please don’t make comparisons of them compose the entirety of this thread.
Where are you guys from? I live near San Francisco.
I’m in still shock. I’m on cloud 9.
I am accepted! I hope I am not the youngest accepted to class 2011. I am now 15 years, 12 days, 3 hours and 51 minutes old! Unspeakable joy!! Thanks!!!
congrats to all of you!!!!!! i hope you are as excited as I am, I even cried!!! I hope I get to know all of you!! uhh… if you have myspace add me!! lol
congrats guys!! I think you should all throw yourselves a HUGE party!!!
(I was deferred and I’m thrilled!!) I can’t even imagine how excited you guys must be–
a huge giant CONGRATS to all of you!!!
Oh my goodness, guys, I can’t even believe it! I am SO excited! So happy, so happy…
I just know that I’m going to wake up any minute now, and find out I’ve overslept and missed something important…..*shivers*
I live in College Station, TX.
haha I GOT IN!
hey zaira!
We are neighbors! I am in Houston!
Being the typical cookie-cutter Asian, I’d never thought I’ll get in…OMG….
Crap, now I owe my entire Econ class a party…Cause I said I’ll get deferred and then bet on that.
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! everyone. i hope i get to join you guys in march. i agree with theresa, throw a huge party.
To update one of Sam’s old posts, I’m excited to be a part of
E/c² x √-1 x pv/nR ‘B(hex)
congratulations to all of you! im so happy for you all, and hopefully, in the spring, i will be celebrating with you guys too
Wawa, congrats! What school do you go to?
HAHA YESSSSS to alex’s rendition of “MIT”
Down in sunny Georgia …
Wawa, we are even closer neighbors… I go to Westside here in Houston
Is anyone else having this “zomg sdlkflkjl (hits keyboard) skljaflkdsfa” feeling?!?!!!
I was going to post a comment about “class of ‘B” being incorrect, since B is hex for 11, but the actual year is 2011, and it doesn’t translate into the same number of digits. But when I actually calculated it, I found that the hex equivalent of 2000 (base 10) is 7D0, which means that 2011 (base 10) would be 7DB (base 16). So congratulations Alex, you were right, and I don’t get to give you a hard time about it. =P
AWB, we’re neighbors! Where are you from?
Congratulations everyone!!
Yeah, Dan, it’s MITES Zaira. How are you doing?
How many people from Texas do we have?
I’m from San Juan, Puerto Rico!
Does anyone know when the tubes arrive?
“zomg sdlkflkjl (hits keyboard) skljaflkdsfa” indeed. A friend of mine that goes to my school got admitted too! Nobody will believe us, HA! Yay MIT! I’m assuming we all played the “Flip through every page of the phone book, e-mail everybody, almost break the cell phone, blog like there’s no tomorrow” game, seeing as we’re all posting on here right now. I think this a good place to say:
Congratulations everyone! I hope you all join us up here in Cambridge next year (it’s really cold, but I swear it’s amazing anyway). When I got in EA last year, it was probably the happiest day of my life, so I hope a lot of you are feeling that same euphoria. Go out and enjoy it. Celebrate with your friends! And try not to slack off too much, now that you already know you’ve gotten in here and it’s only December. . . .
yay, i got in =) i cant believe it either.. im from mass, only half an hour away from MIT
I got in too!! Congratulations everyone! Hope to meet all of you next year!!!
I was in tears too….
Matt, is it O.K. to start using the ’11 after our names? I’ve been waiting for this for a LONG time.
Daniel from San Juan, PR….
I’m from PR too!!! where do you go to school?!? I want to meet you lol I was wondering if any Puerto Rican people got in besides me!! sooo add me on msn, if you have it, andrea_milena(at)msn(dot)com
Congratulations to all!!!!
Hi, I’m Jillian, and I was just admitted! I have finally finished shaking from before I got the decision, and I’m finally off of the phone after telling my friends, so I wanted to say “Hi” to everyone in my new class! I’m from Northern Virginia.
To Admission commitee,
Thank you very much.
To admitted:
YaY, Hi everyone, see you guys in MIT!
Congratulations to all of you, I still have a year to go. ^_^
Both my friend and I found out that we got in today! We’re pretty much celebrating like crazy right now
I think this is a first time for two people getting into MIT early action from our school. WOOOOOOO!!!! 
W00t! I’m so excited about getting in. Congrats to all of you who got in from the Chicago suburbs!
I am happy for you all. I just hope I get in March. Looking forward to meeting you all
OMG I love the MIT Admissions Committee!
Sorry I veered off for a while. Are you still here? I go to Klein High. Congrats!!!
Thank you MIT for this opportunity you have all given us. My life will be no longer the same. I thanks many many many much to the people that made happen this decision. I thank all of you and please enjoy your day, but keep working on the homework for school. I feel renewd
Thanks MIT and Thanks Everyone for this opportunity and I promise I will not fail any of you who think I deserve this great honor.
I wonder how many from GREAT houston area got in early this year?
Thanks Matt, Ben, Laura, Mollie B, and all the other MIT bloggers – I’m ecstatic to have been admitted! I cried…!
Anyway, I’m Emma from Buffalo, New York. I’ve pleaded with my parents to let me drive down tonight but, alas, they said no. Ah well, another time.
Congrats to everyone else.
I’m really looking forward to CPW!
Wow!!! This was a major surprise to me… I owe a few of my friends free lunches (sorry Heinlein, on occasion you are wrong).
Congrats to everyone else, I look forward to getting to you know you guys more and seeing you in APRIL!!
Highland Park, NJ here.
808 pride! Contrats to you all. Anyone else admitted from Hawai’i?
hey everyone! i’m so popping crazy amazing! my mind’s going to blow about this news! excited to meet everyone!
This is all so surreal right about now! I’m estatic =D
In tears of joy, congrats to you all!
Congrats to all those who have been admitted!
I can only wait until March/April for my excitement(or disappointment!)to arrive.
omg is anyone else crying tears of joy rt now?
thank u MIT!!!!!
congrats everyone!
Congrats to ALL of you guys! I never thought I would get admitted into MIT and I am still in shock right now. If any of you are planning on enrolling in EAPS (Course 12) at MIT let me know because that’s exactly what I want to do!
Oh man, congrats to everyone who got in! I’m so excited!
Jillian, I’m from NOVA too!
And Caroline, do I know you??
Haha, I jumped around crying! From Houston, TX here too! Who else?
hey guys! i am from NOVA too!
Hey guys! from Kansas…admitted!!!
Hey! I’m from southern California! Congrats everyone! I don’t know about you guys but I was so excited… nearly 2 hours later and I still can’t believe I got in.
Dallas, TX here!! Yess!
Those of you who got in, please give me advice because I am a regular decision applicant and I want to get in.
Anyone else planning on course 7?
So many from TX admitted! That’s awesome, out 0f a total of 390 EA admitted.
Solomon: put all the passion you can into your essays!
Hi,All, Congrats!
I actually knew I would be accepted to the class of 2011 as far back as almost 6 weeks ago when I submitted my EA application. Do you people know that my church has prayed earnestly for me to get in MIT since then?
I am not trying to be religious here, but there is a God Whom I have trusted whole my life opening for me the path He had designed for me even before the founfation of the world!
Thanks to all the admissions officers and stuff, too!!
So many from TX admitted! That’s awesome, out 0f a total of 390 EA admitted.
AHHH!!!!!! I GOT IN!!! *in tears*
Tampa, Florida!!!!
dam it…how many people got in EA? it’s ok though, i’m sure you all deserve it…unfortunately, at this point it’s looking unlikely that i’ll be going to MIT (even if i get accepted in march)…but i hope you all have a great time there
So many from TX admitted! That’s awesome, out 0f a total of 390 EA admitted.
anyone from massachusetts?
So many from TX admitted! That’s awesome, out 0f a total of 390 EA admitted.
Hooray!!! MIT and its admissions staff are so wonderful! Thank you so much for you time and hard work in selecting the class of 2011
I’m all the way west in Los Angeles, CA
Thanks a lot Dally. I hope to see you at MIT. C.K please pray for me so I would also get in Regular Action.
Jess, I live in Mill Valley and go to the Urban School of SF. How about you?
We should get together to party.
yeah I got a 700 on the math…? but MIT didn’t care, so i don’t
Where in NOVA are you other NOVA people?
I’m from Chantilly…
I’ve been bouncing off the walls since I found out!! I can’t wait to meet everybody!! Is anyone else from/around Miami, Florida here?
MAN!!!!!!! that was great! i even cried. I’m in LA! woot woot!
I’m from Miami, but I got deferred. Oh well, hopefully I can join you all next year.
I’m from Miami, but I got deferred. Oh well, hopefully I can join you all next year. Congrats to you all.
Congrats guys I have to wait till 2011
Hi Everyone!! I’m Sam from Pennsylvania and I am sooooooooooooooo excited to get in to MIT! I can’t wait to meet you all! I’ve wanted to go to MIT since I was so little, and it’s a dream come true! I want to be an astronaut and a cardiothoracic surgeon so MIT will totally help me get on that path!! Talk to you all soon!
Any Oregon people? I know of 2. It’d be interesting to see how many were accepted from our humble little state.
Hey everyone! So excited to be accepted – I wasn’t sure if I’d be a good fit, but I guess MIT thought I would be.
Congratulations to everyone else who was accepted, I can’t wait to meet you all (hopefully) next fall.
I’m from Milwaukee, WI – anyone from nearby? I’m hoping I’m not the only Wisconsinite to get accepted!
Also, anyone on facebook? I vote that we start a “potential MIT ’11” group or something so we can get to know each other better! If one doesn’t exist yet, I’ll start one tonight.
Congratulations again to everyone, I know that it’ll be incredible!
Hey Dmitar, this is Michael from TX Math Talent Search and the A&M tournament. Congrats. I guess I’ll see you at MIT if I can find some way to afford it.
BTW, another TX admit here. Cement Capital of, Texas.
Hahaha. I’m so happy!
Now I have to take my economics final. Let’s hope the high won’t wear off.
omgosh im soo happy right now, i couldn’t believe that i actually got in, is there anyone else from maryland that got in?
just wondering, any1 play runescape?
Jillian – I’m from Reston, so a little north from you.