Parting Remarks by Ben O. '19
Ending the same way I began
So with today being my last day of classes I decided to make this last video just sort of going through how MIT was for me. For those of you that have been with me for the long haul know that I got this blogger position through my really terrible quality, non-scripted, talking for too long videos that I used to make for the class of 2019. So I thought, what better way to end my time at MIT than witha terrrible quality, non-scripted, talking for too long video for the future students of the Institute.
If there is anything you would like to know from me going forward please email me or comment or reachout or something. I love talking to you guys, and who knows maybe I will keep making blog posts either here or somewhere else (I just won’t be a student anymore lol… cries… lol). I am so excited to take on the steps towards the next part of my life and I will not forget my time at MIT!
I love you all and thank you for being a part of my time at MIT <3
P.S. For those new here, here is an old video I did after my frosh yr!
(yes it is on a different youtube channel, unfortunately I lost the password to this account sometime during my time abroad…..)