Places to Sit at MIT by Erick P. '17
and study
I came to MIT with an ambitious goal: to sit everywhere on campus. Oh yeah, and to get an MIT degree. After four years, I’ve completed neither goal. Never fear, I’m taking another semester in the fall to finish my studies and to continue sitting in places.
The two goals are related. Whenever I get stuck on my work, I like to find a new place to study. The change of scenery is refreshing and jumpstarts my mind to continue working. MIT has some breathtaking architecture.
After four full years of being here, I still don’t feel like I’ve learned everything I’ve wanted to learn nor explored all the places on campus I’ve wanted to explore. Luckily, MIT allows students to take extra semesters (known as “super-senior” status) to finish up a degree. I’m excited to be taking advantage of this opportunity to continue learning what MIT has to teach me.
In the meantime, these are some of the highlights of some of my favorite places to sit and study on campus over the past couple of years.
1. Sloan
2. MIT Medical Stairs
3. MIT Medical Hallway
4. New Media Lab
5. Old Media Lab
6. Stata Patio
7. Stata Outside
8. Collier Cranes
9. Stata Lobby
10. Stata Stairs
11. Building 38
12. The Tunnels
13. 26-100 Lecture Hall
14. Lobby 10
15. Barker Library (inside the Dome)
16. Hall of Colors
17. Green Room
18. Lobby 7
19. Student Center Balcony
20. Student Center Lobby