Presenting MIT’s Newest Truman Scholar! by Hamsika C. '13
Yeah, I know I've been blogging a lot this week - but believe me, you want to read this entry.
During my freshman orientation many, many months ago, I came across a girl named Anjali Thakkar:
My first thought when I met her was, “Whatttt. How can one person be so. incredibly. happy?!” I quickly came to realize that Anjali was not only ridiculously cheerful but also intelligent, graceful, and the kind of person who, when I’m tired and crying at 2 in the morning, will bring me a box of chocolate (Twix ♥) and offer me a hug.
I’ve seen her in a variety of roles over the past year and a half or so: she’s been my teammate, my mentor, my TA, and my friend.
And now she’s all of those things – and a Truman Scholar as well! I got a chance to interview her two nights ago, so check out the videos below. If you have any questions for Anjali, feel free to contact her at [email protected] – or just shoot me an email, and I can forward it on to her.
Watch the videos! You’ll love her :)
p.s. a huge shout-out to Jeanne ’13 who once again helped me overcome my inability to upload videos, lol…
p.p.s. CPW!!!!!!!
ahaha you’re welcome.
ANJALI I ahaha you’re welcome.
well, that’s anticlimactic.
HAMSI!!! you are the sweetest! HAMSI!!! you are the sweetest! <3
Thanks so much for the incredibly kind words
Aww, the second video cut off D:
Anjali, your work seems amazing! Thanks so much for explaining about what you’ve done. MIT seems like such an awesome place to really apply awesome knowledge about awesome stuff in awesome ways to really important problems in the world
It sounds a little corny but I’m really glad to hear that MIT people are doing this kind of stuff. :D
Ahhh! Thanks for all the love, everyone!!!
She’s so amazing!! I’m actually stunned – how can someone be so amazing and happy and kind and well spoken all at once? I want to be like her!
Congrats Anjali, you totally deserved it!! 8)
ahhhh wtf the last minute is cut off…
I’ll fix that ASAP
Amazing Anjali! Congrats to you! You are an awesome role model. Keep up your superb work. Wishing you many more successes.
Anjali, You are amazing! We are so proud of you! Congratulations and keep it up! ~Sheela, Sreekanth, Sachin and Saurav!
hi hamsika
i am currently in my 12th
next year i want to join mit
atually i dont hav info about mit
so i thought of contacting sum1
i m in 12th class right now
and next year i want to be there at MIT
so please contact me on my email id or else you give me your email id
I’m ready to help you.