Regular Action Decisions: Saturday 3/14 by Matt McGann '00
We will post RA decisions online on Saturday at 2pm... or probably a minute before.
We are pleased to announce that MIT Regular Action admissions decisions will be made available online on Saturday, March 14 at 2:00 PM EDT… actually, we’ll probably have decisions posted a minute before 2pm.
What is the process for receiving my admissions decision?
Receiving your decision online is as easy as pi. When decisions are released Saturday at 1:59pm, simply visit decisions.mit.edu and log in using the same username and password that you use to log into your MyMIT account. There are no interim screens, so you should be sure you are ready to receive your decision online before logging in to decisions.mit.edu.
Admissions decisions will be available exclusively online. (Following the release of admissions decisions, we will be mailing necessary materials to admitted students.)
To ensure that you will receive a decision online, please visit decisions.mit.edu and enter your username and password. Decisions.mit.edu will be available this week for applicants to confirm their login ability and decision eligibility.
What if I’ve forgotten my MyMIT password?
You may use our automated system to reset it. Simply visit my.mit.edu and click on the lost password link in the orange log-in box on the left. If you’re having trouble using our automated username/password recovery process, or if you’ve forgotten your username, please email [email protected] with your full name and mailing address. We’ll use this information to locate you in our system and reset your password within a few days.
What if I don’t have a MyMIT account?
This year, we will only be announcing decisions online, so if you haven’t created a MyMIT account, make sure to create one so you can find out your admissions decision. If you do not currently have a MyMIT account and you wish to receive your decision online, you will need to register for one using your MIT ID. If you register without your MIT ID, your username and password may not work on decisions.mit.edu.
I wish you all the best!
Thank you for keeping us posted…
Everybody keep your hopes up :D
first!!! yes!
MIT decisions on Pi day and Einstein’s birthday. Awesome. Too bad transfers are a bit later.
Well, let’s wait for Saturday to come. Thanks for taking the time to review all our applications!
I am extremely nervous… 11 am PDT for me.
Good luck everyone!
Heh, 1:59

Funny, I hadn’t figured out the 3.1459….
Doesn’t anybody find it really weird that so many people are just itching to write “first” as soon as an entry is published ??? :D
But, I was expecting another 10 days, at the very least, so NEAT!! Thank you admissions department!
Wow! Time to miss some more sleep!
Matt, ur comment really made me laugh :D
Really, thanks a million…
oh my god! I totally didn’t even think this would be here… seeing as how I was on this site only a few hrs ago
all I saw was matt’s picture and 3/14
pi day!! ^_^
My only hope is God.
Whoa, this is a pleasant surprise. Too bad it makes the remaining five days seem even longer. Somehow the fact that its on pi day didn’t surprise me.
Oh man…
By the way, does anyone else have the “invalid security certificate” page load error? MIT error? Surely not.
I bet it’s just my computer, I’ll try another one later.
I love the fact that it is on pi day. to the exact hour and minute! (too bad I live on the West coast…but I can still appreciate it)
@Brian: I got the same error,too. I just clicked on continue and got into the decisions.mit.edu webpage.
Pi day!!! 3.14159! I love it!
that but this blow
Might be the be-all and the end-all here,
But here, upon this bank and shoal of time,
We’d jump the life to come
– William Shakespeare, Macbeth, 1.7
me(now): oh my god, am I nervous??
me (if rejected) : oh my god…
me (if accepted) : mmm…
I like mmming…
I had to explain to my German language teacher today that Pi does not actually equal 22/7. I then also had to explain to him the concept of an irrational number. Oh well… i guess there’s a reason some people are liberal arts majors :D
I find out the decision about 5 minutes before I got on vacation. I can so see it making/breaking the trip
Relax, take it easy
For there is nothing that we can do.
Relax, take it easy
Blame it on me or blame it on you.
It’s as if I’m scared.
It’s as if I’m terrified.
It’s as if I scared.
It’s as if I’m playing with fire.
It’s as if I’m terrified.
Are you scared?
Are we playing with fire?
There is an answer to the darkest times.
It’s clear we don’t understand but the last thing on my mind
Is to leave you.
I believe that we’re in this together.
Don’t scream – there are so many roads left.
Relax, take it easy
For there is nothing that we can do.
Relax, take it easy
Blame it on me or blame it on you.
OMG. . . I’m so not going to get in. . . I’m so nervous. . . I knew they were going to release it on Pi Day, but the actual official announcement makes me anxious
@matt: hey. My name is Abdel-karim, did you accept me?
Only God can help me!!! Keep ur hopes alive everybody, I guess that’s what MIT students r meant to do!!! good luck
After being deferred Early Action applicant, I am finally glad to see the wait coming to an end. Good luck everybody! I hope to make it in so I can meet some of you during CPW!
Also, when decisions are released, we at MyMIT.info are hosting a chat. Feel free to join! http://chat.mymit.info/
Good luck everybody!
eeeee! is that when the official reply form will become available too??
Hey Abdel-Karim, your from Egypt right ? I think from showaifat (ma3lesh mesh 3aref aktebha :D )
does that mean that ur from Sannaweya Amma ?
I’m from Egypt too btw :D
Good luck, everyone!~ Good luck, everyone!~ <3
Good luck, everyone! I can’t believe all the waiting is coming to an end (and frankly, I’m not sure I want it to end).
If I’m admitted to MIT, I will receive a dog as a present. what do you think I should call him/her?
Give your suggestions here>
ahh…by the way….I’m extremely scared, too!!!!!…I cannot wait until saturday :S!!!
Good luck everyone!
Don’t worry, I’ll be here at 1:57 when the decisions *actually* go up! hah.
11:00 AM for me.
Good luck everyone! It’s pretty cool that the decisions are coming out during the middle of our FIRST robotics regional. I can’t wait!
*prays* … *prays some more* … *can’t find anything constructive to say so prays a bit more* …
Last time I was excited, now I’m just sick.
veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy nervous. I want to finaly leave a message on this board after reading all of these post for months. No matter what though, all of us appling to MIT have the potential to do things that others could only dream of. So whether you get in or not just keep pushing forward on your goals.
I am feeling sick now. I can’t even do my homework! So nervous…
@ Suji
Me too! I cannot even handle this!
My homework has been sitting in front of me blank since I read this!
Oh my goodness the moment of truth is so close at hand! Thank you Matt and admissions counselors for working so hard to get through the massive amount of applications this year. I wish everyone luck for the future, no matter where you go to school next year you are going to be successful!!!
I’d be curious to see a cumulative plot of the percentage of applicants who log in to my.mit in the minutes and hours following the release of decisions.
Do such statistics exist, and is the Admissions staff expecting a sudden surge in downtime? It would make a dominant blog entry.
Finally! Good luck everyone!
…so of course I’ll be at the FIRST robotics Florida Regional! XD
If accepted (big if…) do the financial aid offers arrive same time?
3/14. day of my prom.
wow. saturday is either going to be the best day of my life or the worst.
i guess we’ll see soon enough.
Your name in pi in base 27: http://www.dr-mikes-maths.com/pisearch.html
@ Jamo — LOL it’s Pittsburgh’s FIRST Regional too. That means waiting in anticipation until 6 in the evening to get it! And I thought that MIT and FIRST worked together?
But OMG- decisions. In 5 days. Not expected. Keep your fingers crossed!
YES! Decisions on Pi Day! …This is why I love MIT. xD
lol “as easy as pi.”
Good luck everyone!!!
Curse it! I won’t have internet or phone access that day! I’ll be staying in hotels out of the country for that whole week!
Wow, thanks Matt and admissions team! It’s nice that they give everyone a heads up, unlike some other colleges that will remain unnamed lol. Wagh! I’m so nervous…I’ll be gone with my choir that whole weekend, so hooray for hotel wifi!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Oh, the anxiety! Oh, the pain of waiting for Godot!
And don’t forget, you’ll need to have decisions up at 26.53598979323846 seconds after 1:59…
But really, good luck to everyone…and best of luck to everyone competing this weekend at FIRST regionals! Win or lose, you’ll have something to come home to (or check while you’re there). I hope everyone thinks it’s a good thing!
wow good job me!!! nice job screwing up pi… but that’s what you get for mis-remembering.
good luck everyone!
So the rumor was true…T_T
Anyways, I’d rather see it sooner than later.
so YAY!
I’m now patiently waiting for Chris to post up another song of encouragement…
Good luck guys
I’ll be suffering from the nervousness in a year, and hopefully I’ll be able to meet many of you
~Julio (’14?)
Ahh Mika. Love love love.
omg…….. thanks so much for confirming the date :D
scared outta my mind ugh
Sweet! Pi day will be a defining moment in my life!
Good luck to everyone!
I’m finally going to be able to get rejected and move on with my life;-)
Wow, this is more exciting than opening a Christmas gift box… ohhh.. nerve-raking… yet excited to see the results… can’t wait..
Wow, this is more exciting than opening a Christmas gift box… ohhh.. nerve-raking… yet excited to see the results… can’t wait..
Wow. It’s just like MIT to release decisions on pi day. The simple beauty of MIT’s culture will be experienced by all applicants on that day and time…can’t wait =D I probably don’t have a chance, but definitely and sincerely, GOOD LUCK TO EVERYBODY!
@ Kiwi
My thoughts exactly.
good luck!
“Good luck to everyone!
I’m finally going to be able to get rejected and move on with my life;-)”
lol, Same thoughts in my head, Kiwi ^^
So, decisions after orchestra then. at least I have music festival all week to distract me from being impatient.
Good luck to all the applicants!
can’t wait….hope i get in….
good luck to everyone else
the day has finally arrived!..or arriving to be precise…good luck everyone!
Good Luck Everyone!! Wow… I can’t believe we’ll all know our futures in 5 days.
@Lightman and perhaps some others: Haha me too. WA FIRST Robotics, why are you on π day?!?!
omg i’m so excited/nervous! no matter what happens, the humor of the timing was SO worth the wait. good luck everyone! if i get in i’m definitely buying a pi day 09 shirt
I’m getting sick……..
<3 pi day
I’m going to be in Israel for a physics competition so I’m going to have to wait 7 hours longer than everyone else! :(
Apparently Firefox and Opera don’t like the security certificate because the URL doesn’t match the one in the link or something.
The link in Matt’s post (decisions.mit.edu) leads to:
which lacks an “s” on decision.
The link should lead to:
which has an “s”.
So, just just change the url a bit to get to the site.
GOOOD!!! Please help us! I can’t wait till saturday… yeah guys, we’re gonna do it, hope to see all of you in CPW, we better be possitive about this… good luck everyone!!!!!
Thank you so much for the notice.
Also, love the pi reference.
OMG I can’t believe it’s this Saturday (actually Sunday for me)… It seems so soon and I’m not sure if I want it to end! Love the pi reference though…
“as easy as pi”
I’m so NERVOUS!!! only 4 days left!!!!
Is it okay if I start to panicking now?
arghh, can’t even type properly now.
sorry for the double post.
Shouldn’t it be 34 seconds before 2pm? After all, it is 3.1415926…
But then we’d have to wait an extra 26 seconds to know, and I’m not sure I can wait that much longer!
the hour of judgement draweth near . . .
and I can’t decide if it’s good or it’s bad that it comes on a long weekend when I’m going to be home from my residential school.
O.O I am extremely nervous. Hopefully my deferral turns into an acceptance.
Good luck everyone! I can’t wait to meet the rest of our class ^.^
Good luck everyone!!!
wow! I’m so nervous! good luck everyone!!!!
Thanks so much to the admissions office for suffering through all our applications! I just wanted you guys to know, that whatever the outcome, I appreciate all the time you spent on the decision process.
Does it help if I send a last-minute cake to the admissions office? It is nice that we are all going to know if the whole process was just a PITA or if we got accepted although I prepared for at least 6 more days to start to panic.
This will be heartbreaking…
There will be lots, lots of broken heart!!!
yay!! The wait is now…I would say over, but I think the next five days will be excruciatingly long.