REX continued by Bryan
The rain killed my hawaiian outfit.
So REX or Residence Exploration began on Sunday afternoon with a kickoff that started in Kresge.
The real fun started at about 5 pm on Sunday afternoon with the annual East vs. West water war. The past two years I don’t know where I’ve been while it was happening. East Campus, Senior House, and Random Hall all came to Kresge Oval with slingshots, trebuchets, and catapults.
Burton-Conner, I believe, was also responsible for their own contraption.
Sunday night, East Campus threw a party.
Some highlights of the event:
– spaghetti wrestling
– a human hamster wheel
– a lazy river
– a bouncy ball drop
Monday, I planned on attending the LuWOW on the West Side Campus, but the weather was kind of gross, so I decided to go home early.
Tonight across most dorms, in-house rush is going on, and then tomorrow, freshmen will get to use me as free manpower to move them in.
Now I’ve yet to comment on CityDays or the Student Center party, so that will have to wait until tomorrow. I am le tired.
The weapons this year were cool, but I thought the Water War went downhill now that they made it an official event. The CAC wouldn’t let us use the moat, even to fill buckets. Last year, people were _wrestling_ in the moat! And last year, possibly as a result of such a large extra water source, it lasted 20-25 minutes rather than five.
Oh God, I sound like a crufty alum. “Back in MY day, when things were so much more hardcore…”